Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day Off in Saskatchewan

At the end of our second day of driving, we arrived in Herbert, Saskatchewan to stay with Erik's Grandpa & Grandma Wiebe. We hadn't seen them since Micah was about 5 months old, so they were eager to see him again, as well as to meet Keziah and Silas. We decided to take a break from driving and spend 2 nights with them before we headed on to Manitoba.

Micah was up bright and early the next morning and surprised us by heading upstairs by himself to hang out with his Great-Grandma. When I came up I found her painstakingly setting up rows of dominos for Micah to knock down:

Erik's Grandpa is quite elderly and requires full-time care from Grandma. But even though he is fairly immobile and doesn't speak much, we could still see the sparkle in his eyes as he watched the kids play and as I showed him some recent pictures. He even surprised Keziah a couple of times by reaching out quickly to try and catch her as she ran past his chair :)

Breakfast time!

It was another beautiful (hot) day. The kids had lots of fun playing outside:

Silas enjoyed a day's break from his car seat and he gave his Great-Grandma some big smiles.

Micah got to talk with his Grandma Toews on the phone and let her know how much fun he was having.

Watering Great-Grandma's flowers:

Keziah enjoying Great-Grandpa's special bath-tub chair:

After our break in Herbert, it was back on the road to Manitoba. I snapped these shots as I fed Silas somewhere on the side of the road in Saskatchewan.

We love the prairies!!!


  1. It's nice that you can blog while on holidays so that you don't feel overwhelmed with it when you get back. I still have many pictures and things to post from our trip up north.

    When do you drive back to BC?

  2. my Grandparents lived in E's Grandparents house. and i haven't seen the house since just after my Grandpa died. that house was so special to me. so, is it weird to say that i'm a little emotional just seeing the kitchen? and the window behind the table? i could tell you a million memories. wow. so glad you could enjoy your time there! :)
    and i'm praying for safe travels! :)

  3. Grandma and Grandpa Wiebe will have loved seeing their great-grandchildren. So glad you could spend the time with them.
    Mom T
