Thursday, February 16, 2006

Who needs Fisher-Price?

Someone tell me why we've spent any money on toys when Micah would rather stick old tupperware on his head? He loves tupperware, pots & pans, photo albums, remote controls, etc. Maybe Fisher-Price should start a new toy line of clear plastic containers...

On another note, I'm happy to report that Micah has decided to sleep ALL the way through the night and lately we've been waking up at 6:30!! I never thought I'd see the day when 6:30 felt like I was sleeping in! Not only is he sleeping later, but in the last three nights we haven't had to go into his room once from the time he went to bed until morning. This is a big milestone for us and I'm not sure I know what to do with all these uninterrupted hours of sleep... Posted by Picasa


  1. Just keep sleeping! Relax and enjoy the time you have for yourself...

  2. good job micah on conquering that sleeping thing. really, sleep is a good thing!

  3. Hey Jamie,
    You have a beautiful little boy.
    Just wondering if I could get your email. I have something I'd like to ask you.

  4. well Jamie, So glad he is finally sleeping through. I'm excited to see you Micah, mand can hardly wait to see you walk. You hae grown so big. love granny

  5. i totally agree about the toy thing! Kamryn loves to play with everything BUT her toys - we should start our own company! and congrats on the sleeping. Kamryn JUST started sleeping through the nite too - for the first time ever. life is so much better. love you.

  6. Congratulations on the full nights sleep!!!

  7. So cute! Can't believe how fast he is growing up!

  8. Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »
