Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Granny

My Granny Harder came to visit us this week all the way from Manitoba. Yesterday was her birthday and we went out to Boston Pizza to celebrate.

I love ketchup!

This is me signing the word "light" - Mom & Dad make me perform all my "tricks" when there's company around :)

Feeding my Daddy.


  1. yay! Finally an update!! ( I was just telling Erin's blog that I must have too much time on my hands!! Jake is with his grandma today... lots of free time!!) Your boy is such a 'little boy'!! Super cute! Say hi to your mom, Jamie! My rents are coming out end of march. Enjoy that time with her!!
    Kerri Kincaid

  2. Hey Jaime,
    Micah is so grown up! Is he saying a few words already? Hope you're all doing well.

  3. wowee!! i can't believe how big Micah is getting! hope you had a fun time with mom. I think Micah would have lots of fun playing with Liam.

  4. Hoping you had a great time with your Granny Harder. You have grown so much and your a real cutie. Been praying for you Erik and Jamie,Love Auntie Hilda

  5. Hoping you had a great time with your Granny Harder. You have grown so much and your a real cutie. Been praying for you Erik and Jamie,Love Auntie Hilda

  6. Hi Micah,
    You grow cuter every day. I might just have to enter your photo in Woman's World magazine. Say Hi to Mommy and Daddy.
    Love and prayers,
    Auntie Bertha

  7. yep Micah!! I love funshines!

