Thursday, March 09, 2006

March Snowfall

Yes, snow is a rarity here in BC, so when it happens, we have to capture it on film! Micah was quite fascinated when the huge flakes began to fall this morning and I think he thought the white stuff was pretty neat when Erik took him out in it. Now as I type this a few hours later, the sun is shining, the snowing has stopped and already the warm BC air is winning out over the snow. It was pretty while it lasted! Posted by Picasa


  1. Wasn't the snow cool, Micah? You are such a cute little boy!

  2. wow, that is crazy that you guys never have snow there!! i am sure micah was amazed.

  3. It was weird that day when it snowed, because when I went to work, the ground was green. And then at work I was in the basement for about an hour and when I came upstairs the ground was white! I was 3 the snow was almost gone. Hope you feel better.

  4. hi micah!

    you are such cutie! you don't know me, but i used to be good friends with your mommy. can you say hi to your mommy for me? thanks!

    love julia

  5. i can't even believe how much snow we have here...i don't even want to take pictures of it because
    1. i don't want to acknowledge it even exists.
    2. i don't want to remember it.
    in BC it's beautiful, in Sask, it SUCKS!
