Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Weekend

I will attempt to explain the collage of pictures from the past several days... Our weekend started out great as we finished up a week with my mom. We enjoyed walking around Mill Lake on Friday (Micah loves the swings!) and ventured out to see where Erik is working on building a house. They have the best view of Mount Baker I've ever seen! Friday night and all day Saturday, Erik and I were terribly sick with the flu (Micah had it just a couple of days before) so we laid pretty low :( By Sunday we were all feeling more like ourselves and we were able to make it to a wedding shower for Nathan & Rosanna that afternoon. The sickness seems to be spreading through the rest of Erik's family here, though. Hopefully it won't last too much longer! Posted by Picasa


  1. Hey Guys, we hope you are feeling better soon. You free next week to get together? Hope you had a good time with your mom Jamie. TTFN


  2. Micah, you took my hat!


  3. i'm glad you had such a good time with your mom Jamie! and i'm really happy that you are over that stupid flu!! i love looking at Mt. Baker!! i should come out there soon to see it again!
