Monday, April 24, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Well, I've been tagged by Janelle and I'm supposed to list 10 simple pleasures. So, here goes...

1. Catching a nap on the couch in the afternoon while Micah's sleeping.
2. Singing in the car when I'm by myself (or with Micah - he doesn't seem to mind).
3. The 2 cheeseburger meal at McDonald's - yum!
4. Reading a good book.
5. Watching Erik and Micah play together.
6. Opening our bedroom window for night - it smells SO good.
7. Thunder storms - though we don't get them a lot here.
8. Slurpees & candy!!
9. Sitting on really soft grass in the summer.
10. Blogging!

OK, I guess the rule is that I have to tag someone else now - so I tag Erin E., Lisa, & Erin K. Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the window thing and the slurpee and candy! oh and Macdonalds...
