Monday, April 24, 2006

Way to Go Daddy!

Well, it's been a long time coming, but this past weekend Erik walked the stage and received his BA in Biblical Studies at CBC! He did his first 2 years at Bethany way back before we were married, and after a few years of break, he went back to finish his BA here in Abbotsford. In 2004 he was diagnosed with Crohn's disease - the stress of school was not helping his health and so he dropped out for a semester and then majorly cut back on his classes for the remaining semesters. But, he was determined to finish and he did! In the end, he has become confident of his passions and giftings. What he really wants to do is work with his hands, using his practical skills and abilities. And he has discovered a passion to share his faith and walk alongside the everyday people that he works with. It's encouraging to see God's hand in all of this - the timing was not what we anticipated, but it has been a growing and stretching experience for us and so we're thankful for his leading on this journey. I love you, Erik and I'm really proud of you!


  1. Way to go Erik!!! May God continue to guide you and it's great how you serve Him.
    Jamie, I love your new hair cut.
    Micah looks so grown up and I'm sure he'll be a big help once the baby comes.

  2. Congrats Erik!!! Wish we could have been there!

  3. very, very proud of you Erik! you've gone through so much, yet you've kept your goal & now you've accomplished it!
    we know that God has some amazing things planned for you!
    we love ya tons & tons!
    R, J & K.

  4. Oh Erik, we are so proud of you,a dn wish we could have been there. You are such a blessing to our fmaily, and although life hasn't always been easy, you have persevered and never wavered in your faith. Your passion and joy for Jesus radiates to everyone you meet. We love you, and hope to see you soon. Lvoe, your favorite mom-in-law.

  5. Congratulations! It must feel so nice to be done with school. I've been thinking of you guys tons lately. When's a good time to call? B/w morning sickness and diaper changes I'm sure there's probably never a really good time to call, but I'll try sometime this week. I love you both.


  6. Congratulations Erik! We are so very proud that you have accomplished this despite some discouraging set-backs! Way to go! We pray now that God would give you the direction you are seeking for your life. If He led you back to Alberta, we wouldn't complain!!
    Love, the Dees three
