Monday, May 22, 2006

6 Random Facts About ME!

Janelle has tagged me AGAIN! So, here goes with some random facts...

1. I was always the shortest kid in my class. This meant being in the front row for EVERYTHING - including Christmas concerts when I would sometimes have to stand in a row with a lower grade... Being the shortest also meant being the first to get my picture taken on photo day and the last to be picked in gym class.

2. In my spare time, I work on a novel. But, don't get too excited - I've been working on it for the past 5 years and I'm only on chapter 4. So at this rate, I've got at least 20 more years before I'll be finished.

3. I secretly don't mind watching hockey. In fact, now that the playoffs are on, Erik is usually upstairs watching with his family and I admit that I sometimes have the game on downstairs too :)

4. My thumbs look like toes. Really, they do - fat and wide and kind of ugly. Acrylic nails would never fit on them.

5. I hate doing the dishes. It kind of grosses me out. For this reason, I will cram absolutely everything I can into the dishwasher. (Probably in the time I spend fitting in all the dishes together like puzzle pieces, I could've washed them by hand...)

6. I love ebay! After several years of watching my sisters become proficient 'ebay-ers' and thinking it just wasn't for me, I have crossed over to the other side.

OK, that was tough! But, now I need to tag someone else.... So, I tag the two newest bloggers I know, my sister-in-laws, Elissa & Rosanna. Have fun!!


  1. hey jamie, erik and micah! i stumbled across your blog through some other ones and really enjoyed looking at the pics!! glad you guys are doing well!! i'm sure i'll stop in again sometime! God bless!

  2. Your thumbs sound exactly like mine! I've never thought of them of toes, but now that you mention! I dare you to post a picture!!

  3. Hey Jamie - cool facts. Now I can snoop over to D&E and N&R blogs - ahh nothing like fresh bloggers!
