Thursday, May 18, 2006

Gift Opening

On Sunday afternoon, we joined Rosanna & Nathan at their new place to watch them open their gifts. (By the way, the patio set they're sitting on was the gift from all of us siblings - gotta love IKEA!) It was a BEAUTIFUL day and Micah definitely enjoyed snacking off of Grandpa's plate and exploring in the backyard.

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  1. Hi Jamie! I came here through Janelles blog and have been reading your blog for a while now. You have an adorable little boy, and it's very exciting about the baby on the way!! Anyway, so I thought you looked familiar and it took me a while to realize that when our youth group was at Bethany many years back you were in the P&W band on stage. Isn't that weird that I remembered that?! I thought it was :) I actually bought a CD way back then and looked on the inside cover and sure enough...there was your name. I feel like some sort of creepy stalker, so I thought I should mention this, hee hee...anyway, take care & all the best with your pregnancy!

  2. Hi Jamie!

    Its just Melissa again:) I wanted to ask you a quick question about your pictures that you post. I love the polaroid camera look that you have, what kind of program is it that you do your pictures in? I've never seen it before, and I love it!
    How are things going with your pregnancy? Hope all is well:)
    Enjoy your long weekend with your family!

  3. micah your so cute. you have to come visit soon and play!

    aidan, cassidy & liam

  4. In answer to your question, I live near Rosenort. It IS cool that our husbands both spell their names with a "k". I've always thought that was a more manley way to spell Erik, hee hee. Have a great day!
