Monday, May 29, 2006

The Joys of Feeding Toddlers

Someone tell me how you teach a 17-month-old NOT to throw his food! Most of the time Micah will only throw food if he doesn't like it or if he's full - that's usually how he lets me know he's "all done" even though I've taught him the sign language for it :) And now that we are into self-spoon-feeding, he has discovered the joys of flinging the bowl's contents across the room. The other day I left the room for barely a minute and returned to find yogurt all over the floor, all over the table, all over the highchair and all over Micah.

The guilty culprit looking oh-so-innocent. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi Jamie - Your yogurt splatterer is just too cute... that is the problem. For real though, I really admire your patience and kindness with Micah. The way you are so respectful and caring to him. He is blessed to have a mom like you.

  2. Ah, yes....I know EXACTLY what you are going through!! I often have to remind myself that they WILL learn eventually, they are only 1 1/2 years old, after all. The only thing I have to remember is after the meal to clean up the food that gets flung on the floor. If I don't Hailey sneaks under her high chair to eat the scraps up to days later...EWWWWWWW.

  3. Oh Micah. If only you were not so, so cute! Maybe one day we will have to have a food fight together and get it all out of your system!

  4. Isn't it so hard to get upset when they're that cute and totally messy! Whatever you find works, make sure to pass that info on to me!

  5. ha ha!! he's adorable!
    [i can laugh since i'm still a non-mother!]

  6. Hi Micah,
    I hear you have been making a mess for your mom. Jamie, you asked for advice for feeding.3 suggestions.1) How about giving him just a little amount of food in his bowl? 2)Practice saying No.
    3) PRAY.
    Love Auntie Bertha
