Saturday, June 03, 2006

Signs & Sounds

Micah has really been starting to communicate more and more with us in the past couple of months. He's saying quite a few words now and making lots of animal sounds (which apparently count for words, too, I heard). Some of his favourite words right now are "hot", "hockey", "baby", and "appy" (for apple or applesauce). And he loves making the sounds for lion and elephant.
Before he turned 1 we started introducing a bit of sign language. I didn't know how interested he would be, but now at almost 18 months, Micah's learned about 25 different signs - some of them are actual American Sign Language, while a lot of them are just made up hand gestures that seem to get the point across.

This is the sign for "more". It was the first sign Micah learned at about 11 months.

"Sorry" - We just learned this one last week. We seem to need it a lot lately - especially when the boys that I babysit come over. Toddlers sure don't like sharing.

"Cold" - Micah made this one up himself. It started with Grandma putting his hand up against the cold window in the winter and touching it to his face. He's also added the effect of intensely shaking his head while he does the sign :)