Friday, May 12, 2006

More Wedding Memories...

Here are a few more pictures from Nathan & Rosanna's special day...

The Bride & Groom posing for a picture with a very unwilling ringbearer.

Our little family.

Micah sharing his nuk with his Auntie Elissa.

Taking pictures is hard work!

Yummy cheesecake!! Posted by Picasa


  1. Hey Toews family,

    I'm friends with Janelle here in Saskatoon, and have found your blog through hers! I must admit, I frequently check your blog and look at the adorable pictures of Micah! He looks like such a sweetheart! I figured I should tell you that I've been lurking on your blog without you knowing and I've enjoyed reading about your great news of being pregnant! Congratulations!

    I was looking through your pictures of the wedding, and couldn't help but notice the guy in the white shirt in the cheescake picture! His name is Geoff, and I work with him in Saskatoon at Scotts Parable Christian stores! Do you know him or was he just at the wedding!! I just thought it was hilarious that he showed up in some of your pictures!

    Hope all is well! Glad I could meet you through your blog:) You guys look like a wonderful family!

    Melissa Thiessen

  2. I'm sitting here , missing all 4 of you, because originally you were supposed to be here. What beautiful pictures, and Micah, what a cutie you are, a ringbearer at the age of one, and such a good one too. we love you, and miss you guys. love mom
