Monday, May 08, 2006

Here Comes The Ringbearer...

On Saturday, May 6, Erik's brother Nathan and his fiancee Rosanna were married! They decided to ask all of their siblings (spouses included) to be in the wedding party, so we were very excited to be able to stand up for them. Micah stole the show as the ringbearer. He walked ahead of Erik and I down the aisle holding a teddy bear. The closer he got to the stage, the more aware he became of the gawking faces and flashing cameras. He eventually slowed almost to a stop and Erik carried him the rest of the way. After the bride came down the aisle, Erik discreetly passed Micah on to a friend (thanks Lori!) who took him out of the ceremony. He didn't make a peep (until later, apparently...) Here he is enjoying the farmyard where we took pictures earlier in the afternoon.

(top L) Don't Doug & Erik make lovely bridesmaids?
(top R) Me & Elissa.
(bottom L) The men - Nathan's brothers and brothers-in-law.
(bottom R) The women - Rosanna's sister & sisters-in-law (minus Kristy - we missed you!)

Some more random pictures from the day.

The Toews side of the wedding party.

And here's the couple - don't they look great?

After the ceremony we had a great dessert reception (catered by Afterthoughts for those of you from around here - very yummy!) I was able to leave Micah home with the babysitter and thoroughly enjoyed my evening!

Congratulations you guys! What a great day! Rosanna, I'm so excited to have you as a sister-in-law and I look forward to seeing you both when you get back!


  1. Hey I was glad to babysit Michers, he was so cute! I even made him chuckle a few was so much fun hanging out afterwards too with you guys, like old times.

  2. What a great looking family! Looks like it was a fun day! Congrats to Nate and Rosanna!
    Love, the Dees

  3. Hey Jamie! It was so great to get to know you this week-end. I am so glad Rose gets such great sister-in-laws. Those pictures are beautiful. I only have my few, and so it was fun to see some official ones. Wow! You all looked fantastic. Hopefully we will get to connect again soon. Hmmm. Think scrapbooking blog!

  4. Send our congrats on to them for us - you all looked great!

  5. congrats to nate!

    jamie, you're hott!!!

  6. You guys are B-E-A-utiful!! Congrats to the two love birds.... and congrats to you too Jamie on the second babe.... and congrats to you as well erik on graduating.... hey, why not.... congrats to the whole fam!! Take care, love you guys!


  7. P.S. Jamie I really like your hair


  8. Love the pics!! thanks for sharing them! can't believe how gorgeous the Toews clan is - does it get much hotter than you guys???
    say a big congrats to Nate - we are very happy for him!!
    and Micah - you look SOOO handsome! great job!
