Tuesday, June 13, 2006

18 Weeks & 18 Months

This week I have reached 18 weeks of pregnancy (4 months) and Micah has reached 18 months of life! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going by and also how fast Micah is growing up. This morning I once again realized that Micah is no longer a baby but definitely becoming more and more of a "big boy".

Here I am yesterday before I left for my 18-week ultrasound. It went really well and it was so amazing to see the baby (yes, there's just one!) When we saw Micah on the ultrasound, he was in a weird position and it was hard to see everything, but this baby turned into a perfect position and we saw a cute little profile! We were hoping that the ultrasound tech could see the gender. We wouldn't have been able to find out yesterday anyway (here in the lower mainland they wait until you're 20 weeks to release any gender info) but the tech told us that the baby had its legs crossed the whole time and she couldn't get a good view, so I guess this one will be another surprise. I will post the ultrasound pics as soon as we get them. They were having some computer problems yesterday and couldn't print them off, but hopefully we'll get them soon!


  1. wow an ultrasound already??? i can't believe how fast it is gone!! I remember begging my technician for the sex of the baby(and they don't give any info out in brandon!!) but if you look at the pics I got, you see a little wee-wee perfectly. I was of course in denial because I wanted a girl! and you have a cute tummy already. it looks like your over the 'fat' stage and on to the 'looking preggo' stage. I was in old navy the other day and the newborn stuff is SOOOO adorable!!

  2. Hey there bump! You look great Jamie.

  3. Thanks for posting a picture of your cute preggo belly Jamie:) You look really great!

  4. Hey you three soon to be 4. We are now three too! Just thought I would drop you a line in case you hadn't heard about our little guy and to link you to our little Blog that doesn't get updated too often (it has been a month with one post!). But hey at least you can see what he looks like. Here is his blog...


    Blessings, The Daneks

  5. Too bad you couldn't find out yet - I know how exciting that is. James, I like your hair the length it is now.

  6. Glad to hear everything looks well!! Praise God!!
