Monday, June 12, 2006

Hicks Lake

Over the weekend, the Toews family took a camping trip to Hicks Lake (in Sasquatch Provincial Park near Harrison Hot Springs). It's beautiful up there and the lake water is a lot warmer than most mountain lakes. It still wasn't a hot weekend though. We had a bit of rain mixed in with some sun, but we were all warm and dry under our tarps. Elissa, Rosanna, Micah & I went up early on Friday morning to ensure that we got a spot. It was a good thing we did, too, since there wasn't much left. We were pretty proud of ourselves for setting up all the tents and having a blazing fire going when the boys arrived after work.

Here's Micah eating his beans. The best things I could've brought on the camping trip were this little highchair to contain Micah while he ate and his rubber boots - I discovered that my little boy LOVES mud puddles!

Daddy came up with a great invention for Micah's soother using a piece of string. I realized this weekend how dependent he is on his "nukie". So, as of today we are officially starting to wean him off of it. I'm trying to explain that soothers are only for sleeping. He doesn't seem to like the idea, so any suggestions re: soother-weaning would be appreciated!

On Saturday we spent some time down by the lake. Micah enjoyed throwing handfuls of sand into the water and attracted this whole family of geese who thought he was throwing food. I'm surprised how close they came!

Micah was venturing closer and closer into the water and so we ended up taking off his pants and boots. He didn't seem to mind the cold water at all.

Playing with his new shovel.

This was Sunday afternoon just before we headed home. Another cool day, but Micah loved the beach nonetheless. I can't wait to take him again when we've got some really hot weather.


  1. VERY cute pictures of your little guy! Thanks for the camping tips as well....I gotta remember to bring Haileys portable chair thing with when we go this summer!

  2. cute pics!! we are going camping in our tent trailer (for the first time) in 2 weeks! yes, boys love puddles, the bigger the better! and about weaning off of the soother, we used bribery. It worked quite well and she got rid of it cold turkey but then she was down too only using it for sleeping.

  3. It's encouraging to see that it's possible to take little ones on road trips. We're headed out to Clear Lake for our annual trip in July and I'm already planning to take a carload of her stuff along to keep me sane. Remember skinning our knees on the same trip into town, and ice cream every night. Good times. Micah just keeps getting cuter and cuter, and busier and busier. What a sweetheart!

  4. I love the pictures of your little guy. They look professional!:0)

  5. I can't believe how much Micah is growing. What a cutie, and I love tthe pics. Sure miss him. Give him lots of hugs and kisses from granny
