Monday, June 05, 2006

Micah's New Baby

I'm so excited for Micah to be a big brother! In preparation for the new baby that will be joining our family in about 5 and a half months, I bought Micah his very own dolly. Erik thinks she's freaky-looking, but I think she's cute. I think she's a cabbage patch, but I'm not sure. She was a Value Village special.

Anyway, Micah has actually been quite interested in her, and surprisingly gentle considering he's big on toy-throwing! I've taught him how to hold the baby and burp the baby and put the baby to bed, and he's even willing to share his soother with her on occasion.

The other morning I was in the bathroom when I heard Micah saying "Ock-a, Ock-a". This is usually the sound he makes when he rocks in his own toddler-size rocking chair at Grandma's house, but when I found him in the living room he was holding his baby and gently rocking her back and forth. So cute!!


  1. Awwww! Micah is going to be an awesome big brother! Good thinking to get him a baby to "try out" before the real one comes along!!

  2. Cassidy LOVES his dolly! She would love for him to come over and play dolls with her, she even said she would share her barbies

  3. oh Micah! i know that you are just going to love that new REAL baby soooo much! Lucky Mommy to have such a good helper!
    Jamie! i thought about it today & i can't believe that you are preggo - and having your second...time just goes by way too fast! i'm sending big hugs - i think of you often & love you tons too!

  4. Wow, practice makes perfect. Micah looks so grown up! Just like a big brother.

  5. Micah you are too cute! What a great idea to start him out with a baby doll before the real one comes! The pictures are adorable...I would have grabbed my camera too! Hope all is well. You need to post some pictures soon of your cute belly so we can all see how big your getting!


  6. That's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever heard. I like the middle picture of him holding her.

  7. such a good big brother already! good idea jamie.

  8. so cute! Looks like he'll be a great big brother.
