Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Summer's Almost Here!

It seems like I've been blogging a lot lately, but there's just so much going on! With summer on the way, there are lots of fun activities to document. This weekend we're going camping with the Toews family so I'm sure I'll have quite a few more pictures to post for next week!

Yesterday we had a really fun afternoon. It was a beautiful day, so after Micah's nap, we went with Auntie Elissa & Auntie Rosanna to Mill Lake for a picnic.

Well, this isn't the greatest picture of me, but doesn't Micah look cute? :) By the way, for those of you who have requested, I promise there will be some belly pictures on the way soon...

I think Micah's Aunties had more fun at the park than he did!

By the time Micah and I got home we were both really hot, so Micah took his first dip in his new pool. He loved it and I'm sure he will spend quite a bit more time in there in the weeks to come.