Monday, July 03, 2006

Canada Day Weekend - Sunday Night & Erik's Birthday!!

On Sunday, July 2, Erik celebrated his 26th birthday!

We spent Sunday evening with the Toews family. After a yummy BBQ, the boys went across the street to play some ball (as per usual) while us girls stayed back and chatted.

Erik posing with my masterpiece :) - fruit pizza specially requested by him.


  1. wow, that is a really fancy "cake" - way to go!!!!

  2. That birthday fruit pizza not only looked good - it tasted incredible!!!!! Thanks guys for always opening up your house to us!

  3. happy birthday Erik! wish we could have been there to celebrate with you & enjoy that awesome looking cake!! wow - Jamen, you have to make me one of those sometime!

  4. mmm..that cake looks yummy. wow..I hadn't seen Chris in so long..can you say "hi" from Matt and me?

  5. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY UNCLE ERIK!!! hope you had a great day and everyone was good to you!!
    we are waiting here every day for your guys visit!!!

    Aidan, Cassidy & Liam

  6. Happy Belated Birthday Erik! I'm so jealous of your yummy looking cake!! Can't wait to see you guys!

  7. Keep up the good work » »
