Thursday, July 06, 2006

Good News & Bad News

The good news is Erik and I got our camera back yesterday! What a pleasant surprise. I think it was only in the shop for 2 weeks. The problem was fixed plus they did some extra tuning-up - all for free thanks to the expensive warranty we bought 2 years ago with the camera! Thankfully I didn't suffer too much with my camera being gone - thanks to the pictures from other peoples' cameras. Ironically I still don't have any of my own pictures to post right now since Erik took the camera for the afternoon. We're getting our car re-painted and he wanted some good "before and after" shots. So, here is another pic from Chris' camera.

The bad news is our beloved Greg was cut from Canadian Idol last night :( We were shocked and heart-broken by the news! Even the judges told him after the show that they were shocked. They had pegged him to be in the top 3 so it's sad to see he didn't get enough votes to even make it to top 10! It's frustrating to see other competitors who are much less talented still sticking around just because they had someone who voted 100 more times than we did or something silly like that.
It confirms that Canadian Idol (or any of these shows) aren't really much about talent at all. If some kid from Nova Scotia has the whole province voting for him as opposed to Greg having the city of Abbotsford voting - who's going to win?
Sigh - I guess we'll just have to let this one go and hope for the best for Greg. Canadian Idol will not be the end of him!


  1. hi jamie
    i'm a friend of janelle's and my sister and i were in total shock when we watched last night.... we are huge greg fans, and are not sure if we will watch anymore of the season. I mean c'mon... half of the guys TOTALLY suck.... i completely AGREE with you, it's quite unfair.

  2. Hi Jamie,
    Yes, I too was quite sad after the news. I feel like there is no reason to watch. Greg was awesome! Still is.

  3. Yeah about the camera - sorry about Canadian Idol. Hope you are having a good week.

  4. Hi Jamie,
    I guess even my 167 votes didn't put Greg to the top.
    Auntie Bertha

  5. Thanks for the pic Jamie!! that was so nice of you. love you and your sister's blog. Keeps me informed,Auntie Hilda
    Your LOOKING Great Jamie, Hope your feeling great too.
