Tuesday, July 25, 2006

To the Island on a Whim...

Brad & Nichole and the kids made it to Abbotsford yesterday and then headed off on the Tsawassen ferry this morning to the Island. Erik and I hadn't planned on joining them since we figured Erik would have to work, but it turns out he's got a few days off so we're going to leave tomorrow from Horseshoe Bay and meet them in Nanaimo. It should be fun! We'll all be back in Abbotsford by Friday and the Loewen's will still be here for another 5 days with us.
Hope you all have a great week!


  1. have a great trip!
    ps. mind if i add you to my links?

  2. Geoff and Kelly are living on the island at Chemainus( or something like that) for the summer on sabbatical. I'll have to get their email for you mom

  3. have a fun time mom

  4. Hey Micah! Your Auntie misses you! We'll have to hang out sometime soon and go to the park-- can you say slide?
    Love Auntie
