Sunday, July 30, 2006

Good-bye Uncle Chris!

We were all sad to say good-bye to Erik's cousin Chris who had been living here for the past 2 months. Erik and I both had the chance to be at Bible School with Chris back in the day, but it was fun to reconnect with him after all of his travels and spend a bit more time together. Chris works for Samaritan's Purse and has done a lot of relief work in Africa over the past couple of years. He was planning to head to Nairobi at the end of summer but received a call a week or two ago asking him to head to Cyprus right away and help coordinate the relief effort for Lebanese refugees.
Chris will definitely be missed around here! Micah grew used to having him around even though he never did say "Chris" - sorry about that Chris, we'll keep working on him! We hope to get some good updates about your life in Cyprus and we STRONGLY encourage you to think about investing in a blog ;)


  1. hmmm.... should I say what every single girl is thinking or shouldn't I?

  2. haha - Amy, i was going to write the same thing - and i'm MARRIED!!!
    i think Tavesy just has to realize - that he is...well, YOU KNOW! any girl with eyes will know...
    Chris - i totally agree with Jamen! you need to start a blog! that way i always know you are safe & sound - you know how i am about that! love you Tavesy & miss ya!
    thanks Jamen for letting us see our friend again - even if it is only in pics...
