Monday, July 31, 2006

Vancouver Island

It was so fun being able to take a spontaneous vacation with my sister's family last week to the Island. Erik and I joined them from Wednesday to Friday and we were able to find camping spots near their hotels both nights. We spent Wednesday at Rathtrevor Beach near Parksville. When the tide goes out you literally have to walk about a mile to get to the water and even then, it's very shallow. The best part was that the water was incredibly warm - just like a tropical beach! It was fun when the tide started coming in and we slowly made our way back to our cars. Here's a few pictures of us enjoying the warm water.

On Thursday we drove to the other side of the Island to Pacific Rim National Park near Tofino. The weather was instantly cooler once we got to the open ocean and the fog kept us from seeing some of the scenery, but we enjoyed watching the big waves and playing in the nice sandy beaches. Here are some shots from Long Beach. Micah is LOVING having some cousins around to play with!

Here's a family shot taken at the Wikanninish Interpretative Centre. The sun finally came out in the afternoon but it didn't warm up quite enough to jump into that frigid ocean water!
Posted by Picasa Here are Micah and Kailyn posing beside a big truck tire - Micah's finally starting to "smile" for the camera!

Micah has already learned the names of all his vistors: "Bad" for Uncle Brad, "Co" for Auntie Nichole, "Yosh" for Josh & Kailyn (they are the same person apparently) and "Baby" for Noah. He LOVES having a baby around and showers Noah with kisses, but he will have to learn to be a little more gentle in the months to come or we might have some issues!


  1. Hey Micah, your wearing Liam's shirt!!

  2. Beautiful pictures - it's awesome that you live so close to the ocean!

  3. thank you for the beautiful pictures. So good you could all get together, We are anxious for you to come out soon, to see the rest of the family. love you mom

  4. Great pictures! Can you email me some? I'm missing Micah's mushy kisses!!
