Saturday, August 19, 2006

Blackberry Season

As I mentioned before, Micah has gained a deep appreciation for blackberries. The other morning we found the mother-load of berries just up the hill and I picked this whole bowl-full (plus all the ones we ate while we picked, plus the first bowl-full that I accidentally spilled).

Every time we go for a walk now (or sometimes just a drive) and Micah sees some bushes, he yells "back, back!" He is absolutely addicted. I have been finding very interesting diapers in the last few days :)

Here is his response the other morning when I told him he couldn't have any more blackberries.

But as always, he forgot about them soon enough. Here he is saying "CHEEESE" for the camera...


  1. Don't you just love surprises like that in their diapers?? It keeps things interesting that's for sure :)

  2. what a great smile! so cute.
    ps. i don't know if you saw my comment a few entries back, but I figured out the BabyTicker thing, so if you want me to fix yours, just let me know (and change the password again!) :)
