Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Weekend

We had a pretty relaxed weekend. Thursday night we spent the evening with some new friends from church – Alf, Kelly and their adorable daughter Taeya. They also had invited Brent & Angela – some friends Erik met at CBC. It’s funny how in Abbotsford, everyone gets connected to each other eventually! We had a really great time with them. It’s been fun making new friends and it’s great to go to church on Sunday and feel like there’re plenty of people to talk to. We have been going to South Abbotsford Church since January and have been surprised at how quickly we feel connected and involved.

On Friday night we ended up at Doug & Elissa’s new pad – very cute, I must say – along with the usual family crowd: Nathan & Rosanna and our newly adopted family members, Todd & Brianne. We rented the Disney movie Eight Below – a good movie in and of itself, but I must say that the company definitely contributed to the overall enjoyment of the film. We laughed through the whole thing – especially when we started making up our own commentary for the dogs... funny stuff.

Saturday was pretty quiet around here. But I had to include these pictures from my attempt to make biscuits for supper. Whenever I start to make something on the kitchen counter, Micah pushes a chair up to the counter and says “bake”. It’s his new favourite thing and he’s usually good at staying on his chair and playing beside me. Well, I was measuring flour into the bowl while talking to Erik on the phone and Micah leaned over a little too far to dip his own cup into the bowl. He fell right off the chair and took the whole bowl of flour with him. Micah freaked out - mostly from falling but also from being covered in flour.
Erik happened to be pulling up to the house just as it happened, so I hung up the phone and he found us in the kitchen like this...

And here is the bath that shortly followed.
It seemed to do the trick in cheering Micah up!

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In other Micah-related news, he is starting to string words together more and more, i.e. ‘hockey puck’, ‘Daddy work’, ‘more please’. But the coolest thing is that he can count to three! At first I thought I was just hearing things. He would pretend to be counting and somewhere in all the gibberish I would hear something that sounded like ‘one, two, three’. We have one game we play where I count to three and then pick Micah up and toss him on our bed. The other day when I asked him to count he clearly said “one, doo, wee”. I was so proud :)


  1. oh Micah! you are too sweet for words...what a sensitive little guy! don't worry, Mommy will help you bake again - but it sure would be a little unnerving to be covered in all of that white stuff!
    And Jam, please say a big hi to Brianne for me! i miss her!

  2. Every childhood should consist of one flour-covered kid. very cute. We, of course, enjoyed having you guys over and look forward to hanging out more!
    and congrats on couting to 3, micah!!

  3. ooo I love a good mess! Flour is nasty too - esp. when mixed with water!
