Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Family Trip to the Zoo

On Monday afternoon we braved the heat and went to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. Erik had some days off this week, so we took the opportunity to have a family day and avoid the weekend crowd.

Micah enjoyed the animals, but seemed more interested in the blackberry bushes lining the paths and the little choo-choo train that kept circling around the zoo grounds.
We brought along a picnic supper and found a nice little table next to a pond of ducks. We didn't realize we'd be chasing the ducks away the entire meal...

A few family pictures from the day...

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  1. just reading up on your blog. I'll have to call you more often Micah, so you recognize my voice, but we will see you soon, in October, and we'll do some fun things with you. Jamie, Micah will love thel new baby, and as far as the clinginess goes, it won't last for long. Also, one of the hardest things to do is discipline your kids, but it is so important. Believe me, I have learned from past mistakes.Remember who the parent is. Consistency and firmness is key. Also, make sure you and Erin AGREE on the form of discipline. it's easier to discipline earlier, than later, when they won't listen. Dobson has some good books out there. Use those resources. Most of all, don't beat yourself up. Your al good mom. And remember, when your at the end of your rope, Jesus is there to hold you up. love you mom

  2. Sorry, I meant ERIK, not Erin

  3. That zoo looks great! The animals actually look like they are alive -unlike the Wpg zoo which is a sorry sight this year. IF there happens to be an animal in the cage (lots are empty it seems) you will be lucky to see it twitch an eye lid. I'm glad you had a good family day ~ you are looking lovely as you carry your 2nd child!!

  4. we don't have giraffes at our zoo!! but the Zebras are Cassidy's fav because she LOVES anything to do with ponies.
