Thursday, August 31, 2006

Fun Stuff

OK, I stole this from Janelle who stole it from Patti and it is a ton of fun! Here are celebrity look-alikes for Erik and I. Neither of us got a really high percentage with any of the matches but some of the celebrities are pretty interesting...

Who knew I had Johnny Depp for a husband!!!


  1. too funny!
    ok, my computer sucks! I have been stuck at your entry about Micah using the phone, since you entered that one. I was wondering why you weren't blogging - then I hit refresh, and there's three new entries! yikes! guess i need to make sure i refresh all the time.
    About the clingy-ness and discipline - i have no advice, but I hope Micah can adjust soon and especially when the baby arrives. It's all new (just like all this crazy baby-stuff is to Alf and I), and Micah's a happy kid, so you're obviously doing something right!

  2. those are awesome!!! love the florence henderson & johnny depp ones!

  3. I was gonna tell Erik that I've always thought he resembled that black guy from American Idol. Too funny.

  4. I think I need to see some dark eyeliner on you to see the similarity between you and Lindsay Lohen. And Ruben....too funny. Guess Erik looks like Ruben to the extent that I look like Oprah. Thanks for giving me the idea to do it. Fun times!
    Oh, and I have been having the same issue as Kelly, needing to refresh all the time. Weird. Have never needed to do that in the past.

  5. Hey James: I just wanted to thank you for your post on my blog. I really appreciate your sharing your story. Life really sucks sometimes. I know that there is a plan but I wish I knew what it was??!! We don't know what to do and it all pretty much hinges on housing right now. They won't pay him enough for us to get approved for a big enough mortgage at this point unless an incredible deal comes along. But we're still in negotiations, so we'll see yet. I am sort of feeling like this isn't going to pan out and we will stay here now after I thought before that we were for sure going to move. It's weird and I don't know how to read everything, or anything for that matter. If this doesn't work out I am going to be super disappointed for Grant because this looks like such an awesome opportunity for his career and we don't have any options here right now except to go back to trucking which neither one of us want too!! But God has always seen us through and given us something better than the last time and I am trying super hard to remember that but today was not a good day for that. AI know he will also see you guys through and direct your path as well, but in his time, which is difficult to what for. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks and I will be thinking of/praying for you guys too. Maybe you should move to SK!!! tee hee!! Take care and keep me posted!!
