Saturday, September 09, 2006

Bath Time Giggles

Since the little video I posted of Micah the other day was such a big hit, I thought I'd share another clip of him last night in the bath tub. He was sliding around on his bum and thought it was pretty funny stuff...

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  1. So cute! You're adding some cool stuff to your blog and it's fun to see! Keep it up!

  2. adorable!! good idea on posting some video. I should do that sometime. man he looks like Erik

  3. Love the videos Jamie! Very cute! Just wanted to say thanks again for helping us connect with Todd & Brianne. We finally had them over on Saturday night and had an AWESOME time with them! What a great couple... And i hope all goes well for Erik and Todd this week...praise God for the work he's brought them!

  4. that's awesome! Ahh you seem so close to the finish line for baby number 2-It seems so far away, the excitement nearly kills us.
    You look great (really) and I hope things continue to be as comfortable as possible
    going to be hard to beat cutie number one!
