Friday, September 08, 2006


We've been blessed to have lots of different visitors this summer. It's true that we live very far away from a lot of family and friends, but the good part is that most people love making trips to BC! It seems there are always people coming and going around here. Last night we got to have Chad & Rachel from Winnipeg over for supper. We had a blast hanging out with them. Funny how time can pass but it still feels so natural with some people - I think it's the Bethany connection ;)

It was great to see you guys and I am always encouraged by our talks. I hope we can see you guys again soon!!

1 comment:

  1. Some friends, like the ones I just blogged about, are "kindred spirit" types, aren't they? It's difficult to live far apart, but it's comforting to know that the rare times you do get together, you can pick up where you left off. I love that! Sounds like you guys have been enjoying some good times with good friends too, and yes, that is our dog....
