Thursday, September 14, 2006

Blogger Beta - Get it NOW!

OK, so I've followed the lead of Kelly, E. E. and Kirsten and updated my blog to the new beta version. I'm under the impression it will not allow me to accept or leave comments on blogs that are not updated to beta, so make sure you join the club!! It's very easy - just look on the righthand side of your blogger home page and click on the link.


  1. yay!!! I don't know why it's such a big deal, but someone else told their readers to get beta so they could comment, so I did, and that put me in the same predicament :)
    cute pictures of micah hanging from the table. and hey - you look great at 7 months pregnant...i would have loved to look that great then!

  2. Hey James, thanks for the comment. It actually was great for you to say what you did about the job and finding a house but not the other way around. That helps a lot actually. Thanks. Grant is actually going to accept the offer today I think and he will start out there on Oct. 2. We'll put the house up for sale in a week hopefully and see what happens from there. Only God knows. i hope things go good with you guys too. Has Erik found any thing out about work yet??? When are you due exaclty?? We'll be thinking of you guys too. Stay tuned for more updates.

  3. Thanks for your prayers, they worked.
    What does beta do exactly.

  4. does it mess anything up?

  5. Janelle - I'm not sure what the big deal is with blogger beta, but I was told we're all going to have to make the switch eventually so I just hopped on the bandwagon early. I think it's just a better version of blogger and supposedly has more features (I haven't checked into it all yet...)
    It didn't do anything weird to my template or anything when I made the switch. It was really simple.
    By the way, how did you post on my blog if you haven't switched yet? I didn't think that worked... But maybe it's just ME who can't post on other non-beta blogs...
