Monday, September 18, 2006

First Day

Here is Erik leaving this morning on his first day of a new job. As I mentioned about a week or so ago, his original building plans fell through and we were kind of stuck wondering what was next for him - meanwhile he wasn't working a whole lot and the bills were piling up! But the waiting and praying paid off when Erik landed his first framing contract with a Residential Contractor he met at church. Him and our friend Todd will be framing a house for the next 6-8 weeks and we expect this one job will open up more opportunities for the same. Framers are really backed up around here so there's lots of work to be had. It's just a matter of Erik and Todd getting their names out there and getting some more experience. They have both done a ton of framing but this time they are the guys in charge, so it's a pretty big deal. I know they're going to do well, though. Erik was understandably excited and nervous this morning as he left. He's been feeling more stressed lately than he has in awhile which can activate his Crohn's disease. He's been feeling SO good for the last 6 months or so, so please pray with us that his body would be able to withstand the stress.

Yesterday afternoon we took a drive up to the Highlands to take a look at the lot he'll be working on. It's way up on the mountain on rocky soil. The ground is so hard that they don't even have to dig a hole to start the foundation. A little different from the prairies, I guess...

Micah was happy to find an endless supply of rocks on site.

This weekend Erik was pretty busy gearing up for his first week on the new job and also doing worship at church (x 3 services!) and even some extra drum recording for our worship pastor, but Micah and I had a pretty relaxing weekend. On Friday night Doug & Elissa drove us to the big annual MCC Sale at the Tradex. For those of you who haven't experienced this, it is like mecca for Mennonites! The place is packed out with people and you can eat your choice of Mennonite delicacies from farmer sausage and perogies to roll kuchen and watermelon. And you literally can't walk five steps without running into somebody you know. It's pretty crazy. I didn't have my camera, but you can check out Kirsten's blog for a picture of us enjoying some pie and ice cream.

Saturday was a pretty quiet day, then Sunday was church and our regular family time in the evening. We were pretty excited to watch the Canadian Idol finale followed by the season premiere of Amazing Race! We were pleased that Eva Avila won (still not Greg Neufeld, but what can you do...)

And here's me - 32 weeks and counting...


  1. I hope day #1 went well for Erik. I am sure he'll do great. You look great Jamie. I was at the MCC fair too - on Saturday though and hidden away in the finance department (volunteer from ECU). Sadly I missed most of the good food :( By the time I made a break from my hideaway everyone was packing up.

  2. hey Jamie, you look great, and we had our MCC sale in Brandon on Sat. and we had all the mennonite delacisies(Is tthat spelled right) We ran into deb and Brian and wandered around with them,a nd your fight, we just kept running into people. Anyway, erik we prayed for you this morning. Remember, keep your focus on Christ, and you 'll be fine. Love mom

  3. I hope Erik's work goes well. Praise the Lord for opening doors. I hear a quote once, "God is seldom early, but never late."
    We watched those same two shows last night. who are you cheering for in AR?

  4. Sorry that was me, Rebekah who posted the last comment! :0)

  5. Jamie,
    You look wonderful! And, best of luck to Erik with the new job! An answer to prayer!

  6. Jamie- you always inspire me to get photos of my profile! So far I think I have only taken 4 or so. I'll have to get some 32 week ones on my blog this week. Feeling good? Full of energy? You are looking great- as always!
    -Kerri (I haven't updated my blog so I can't leave comments I guess)

  7. nice baby belly. I noticed how your arms look so tanned and your belly nice and white!! hope Erik has fun at his new job. glad to see that girl win on CI too, although we weren't too in to it this season.

  8. you are looking great! Glad about erik's job too!

  9. Jamie you look great!

  10. It was nice to read up on the toews family. I will keep you folks in my heart with Eric's new work and his Crohn's

    Sherry Palmer
