Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Miracle Birthday

Some of you have read about Micah's little cousin Noah who was not expected to survive his birth a year ago. Today he has made it to his first birthday! It has not been an easy road by any means and he is still the size of a newborn at 12 months, but we celebrate his life today and the joy he has given to our family. Here are a couple of pictures of Noah in July when my sister's family was visiting from Manitoba...

We love you Noah & Happy Birthday!!
To read about Noah's journey, click here.


  1. Wow! I can't believe that a year has passed for little Noah! What a miracle! We have been following Noah's story and praise God with your family for his life. They are in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. What a precious little miracle! I love the pic of Micah and Noah. How special that they could make it out to see you too- are you heading home anytime soon?
