Sunday, November 12, 2006

40 Weeks Tomorrow

Yep, here I am this morning - still pregnant! I know I'm not technically due until tomorrow, but if someone would've told me last week that I would go to church today without a baby I probably would've cried. But, here I am! Erik said this morning "I guess you're the type who needs to bake 'em right to the end." I guess so. I'm struggling to keep my spirits up (don't let the smile in the picture fool you!) and I find I NEED to keep busy or I will drive myself crazy. I told Erik that a shopping trip might make me feel better, so I think we may head out this afternoon to Langley or something. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I know the end has to be coming sometime soon!


  1. you are the best looking pregnant lady I've ever seen! I've gotten caught up in the whole baby-watch... hang in there!!

  2. Jamie,
    You just look so beautiful! I would give anything to be pregnant. This baby WILL come, just enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, before you know it, it will be over.

  3. don't worry, this baby will be celebrating its first birthday before you know it!
    i was hopeing you would pop first but at I am pretty sure you are relieved that Kerri didn't take your name (that is just an asumption) I thought of you when I hear yesterday morning and thought you must be pretty discouraged.
    Erin G. and I were talking last night and both think it is a boy. . .i think we are the only two who think this! I am really anxious to find out what it is.

  4. Hey Jamie, did that baby drop?? Your tummy looks smaller in this picture today! Hang in there! A shopping trip sounds like a great plan!!

  5. Oh, by the way...I'm guessing a boy too! You look far too good for it to be a girl, lol!!

  6. shop til the baby drops! hahaha. hope you can keep your mind occupied while you wait, and hopefully shopping will help!

  7. You are looking great - but I hope that baby arrives soon. Enjoy shopping - it is always cathartic for me.

  8. sorry Jamen, two more days until my guess comes true & i win ALL the dough!! (oh wait, is there dough involved? doubt it..oh well, i get the claim to fame!)
    so, i think the baby should stay in for 2 more days!! :)
    for your sake, i hope you are in the hospital right now! i love you & am thinking of you & can't believe how amazing you look.

  9. Good thinking!! A good shopping trip cures any kind of blues ;) You are looking so good at 40 weeks! Wow!!

  10. I checked your blog like 2 hours ago and there was no post for today. I thought for sure you were in having the baby! But, even though you aren't in labor or have a newborn in your arms yet, you still look beautiful! And, in a week or two, you might be longing for the days when you could nap when Micah naps, when you could sleep through the night and when you didn't have to wear nursing pads or change newborn poopy diapers! So, look on the bright side. And, go on a shopping spree. That sounds like the best medicine for no baby yet! Soon.....

  11. You look very good! I can't wait till I'm at the end of my pregnancy too! I enjoy being pregnant and all, but I'm just at the stage where I don't feel like I have a big enough belly, so I just look fat! haha Every stage is fun though, and I'm sure you'll have a baby in no time! :)

  12. You look so pretty today! I hope shopping was just the thing to cheer you up & maybe start labor!!

  13. Jamie - I totally understand how you feel. I'm going shopping today too, just to keep busy and hopefully WALK this baby OUT!

  14. Keep checking for an update on any "labour action!" Hopefully today was the day (Monday)!
    Praying that the delivery goes smoothly!

  15. You look great for 40 weeks! I hope if I last that long Im still that skinny :-)
