Friday, November 10, 2006

No Baby Yet

Hi all - just checking in for all you curious bloggers out there. There's still no baby action. Part of me is going nutty waiting and analyzing every little twitch and cramp, and the other part of me is resigned to accept that this could still be awhile. I'm learning to be content in my current situation! Oh, so hard!!


  1. well, you better get on this whole labour thing! you're supposed to be bringing the little baby girl to church on sunday! :) hehe.
    well, we are still praying for you!

  2. good for you for being so patient. I have no children but I can only imagine when you are this close.
    I'm still checking faithfully and will rejoice with you and your family when your post says you have a new addition to your family. Blessings for you this week.

  3. so is everyone determained it is a girl? so what happens if it isn't. I experienced this with Liam.

  4. I'm glad you posted, I figured you were at the hospital...

    I remember waiting it is so hard!! Hang in there!!

  5. Way to be patient Jamie! It sure IS hard - no one told me that the end would be so hard! I do think I lost my muscous plug last night - sorry if that is too much info. I sort of thought it was neat though. Hahaha!
