Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bouncing Boy

Nope - the title doesn't refer to the new baby. I'm talking about my bouncing TODDLER boy. Perhaps he may be taking after Mommy. Those of you who knew me as a child will remember my affinity for bouncing - in the car, on the couch, anytime, anyplace... I LOVED to bounce!

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Micah had one last chance to wear his elephant costume today at Mom's group.

And I haven't posted a picture of myself in awhile, so here's a shot of me at 38 weeks and 2 days! I have had to resort to looking for clothes on Erik's side of the closet this week as I only have a handful of shirts that still offer enough belly coverage! (No, this pink shirt is NOT Erik's - ha, ha). Anyway, I am MORE than ready to wear regular clothes again!


  1. you are looking beautiful my dear!

  2. Hi there. I am a blog stalker but I am friends with Kirsten, Rose, and Andrea, so therefore I'm not too bad. I just bop around in their blogs. Anyway, I don't even know you but yet everyday I come on your blog to see if you have had the baby yet. I love comments on my blog and so I decided to let you know that I check everyday and think about you (even though I don't know you, I attend South Abby too and I have seen you but anyway). I feel like I know you from your blog. I also read up on Noah updates almost daily because you posted the story for his first birthday and now I have been praying and constantly looking. Your title of this post had me thinking you had a baby boy haha, which I'm sure many thought.
    Well you look absolutely stunning for someone who is going to have a baby right around the corner.
    Take care of yourself and may God's blessings be with you.
    PS. Sorry for the story :o)

  3. Oh my goodness. My heart almost stopped when I read your title...don't do that to me!!!

    You are glowing Jamie! You are SO close!!! I am going to be 38 weeks at my sisters wedding in April...we went wedding dress shopping today and I realized I would not be able to "fluff" her dress for her at 38 weeks pregnant (I am her maid of honor...). I guess one of the other bridesmaids will have to do my dirty work ;)

  4. wow, i forget how big the belly gets at the end of pregnancy. Especially being SO sick of maternity clothes and I remember dreaming about walking into a regular clothing store to buying some real clothes

  5. You look fabulous Jamie!! I can't wait to meet this baby! It's going to be so great seeing you guys at Christmas, I hope it's not going to be too rushed and the kids can get to know Micah a bit better. They love looking at this blogspot with me and checking up on their cousin. They loved the "blueƧ clues"pumpkin. Joel did ours, it had "the Harder's" on it. I was quite impressed.
    Maddy says thanks for the e-card. She opened it at her party and all 10 girls were laughing their heads off. It must be seven year old humour!! Love ya,Laura

  6. That is a mean mean thing to do- put a subject line like that on your blog!! I check your blog only about 5 times a day to see if you have had your baby yet... Darnit Barney!!! Feeling ok despite being soooo pregnant??? I know I am having a mix of emotions... I am sick of being huge and uncomfortable- and yet- am I really ready for such a big adjustment? Do I really want to 'share' my time with Jacob?!?!? Already?!?!? AHH!
    Anyway- no more of those teasing titles, ok?!?! You look fabulous, Jammer...

  7. Jamie, You are looking so great! But, I hear you--wanting to get into regular clothes is crazy by this point. At 9 months pregnant with Tyler, all I wanted to wear was a belt!!

  8. What a cute little video of Micah! He looks like a lot of fun! And I noticed in your mom's group photo that you attend it with one of our relatives. The bottom left- the Fritzke's (spelling ?), are Jon's dad's cousin I believe. Can't really remember the exact connection but I know we're related through Grandma Esau's side of the family--they are often at gatherings and stuff. look GREAT at 38 & a bit weeks :) Gorgeous in fact!

  9. Hi Jamie,
    You look wonderful Jamie.Looking forward to the BIG announcement. Relax and take in the Woman of Faith day. You'll love it. The baby will enjoy it too. Auntie Hilda
