Thursday, November 02, 2006


OK, I just posted yesterday, I know, but I'm just so confused and frustrated with Blogger right now. For some reason, it STILL won't let me post on non-Beta blogs and I feel so cut off! This wasn't a problem a few weeks ago and I notice that other Beta-bloggers seem to be able to post on non-Beta blogs (i.e. Amber & Janelle !?!?). What am I doing wrong?? I don't want anyone to think I have not been reading their blogs faithfully and wanting desperately to comment! Just to name a few: Erin G., Rebekah as well as Heather & Kerri (who are also due with babies VERY soon!) If anyone can help me, please do. And if not, I just want all you non-Beta bloggers to know that I'm not snubbing you - just please, PLEASE switch to Beta :)


  1. James- I have had many problems posting on yours. I am doing this anonymous for that very reason. I type these long elaborate comments and they get deleted and never show up on your posts (like for instance, I bawled you out for your post title this morning and that whole comment didn't work).
    I don't have any brilliant ideas or ways to overcome the stupid gliches in technology. I hope you are feeling ok. Soon soon soon! Some days I am excited- or maybe rather just annoyed with being so uncomfortable and pregnant... other days I wonder 'what am I doing?!?!' Jake requires so much energy right now.... I hope the month or two that Micah has on Jake helps out!! Anyway- you can't be posting titles like that until you have your baby. I check your blog at least 5 times a day to see if you have gone in to labor yet or not! I think I will have the full 2 weeks still, if not more... oh well- I keep reminding me that God's timing is perfect! Even when it comes to delivering a baby!
    Take care!!

  2. Kerri - thanks for the idea of posting anonymously!
    I had totally forgotten about that option. But unfortunatley some blogs still do not allow anonymous comments...

  3. Beta is evil. I wish they would just force everyone switch over (which I hear is going to happen eventually) or I wish they had never come up with it. I feel your frustration!! I can usually post to other non-beta blogs, but it does give me trouble from time to time. But then I do just post anonymously. argh.

  4. Jamie - there should be an area where you can sign in with a google account - which you have to do if you're on beta. Some people have seleted to not receive anonymous comments - so then you are out of luck! I always Click on my comment and then under the edit menu - select all and copy. That way if I loose my comment I can just click paste and have it back.

    I hope you are able to comment soon - although you have been able to comment on my blog (thanks)

  5. Okay, so I decided to just take the plunge and switch to Beta. I'm all set up now, so I hope you can comment!

  6. Heather - you are so sweet, doing all that just for me!!

  7. Their wedding will be in Mission...I believe that is just outside of Abbotsford, right??
