Monday, November 20, 2006

Non-Stress Test

I'm back from my NST at the hospital and all is well. The whole process took awhile since my normally hyper-active baby decided to take a nap once all of the monitors were hooked onto me. But with a little apple juice and prodding, we were able to wake him/her up and get the readings the nurse was looking for. It was kind of relaxing and even fun just lying there and listening to my baby's heartbeat and watching it fluctuate on the monitor - around 130 when it was resting and up to 155 when it was moving around. They also had me hooked up to a contraction monitor that showed my uterus was tightening about every 4 minutes. I asked the nurse about the frequency of my contractions. She said there is the odd woman who can have painless contractions that actually fully dilate her cervix, but in my case she said to wait until they became painful. Obviously they're not doing much to dilate me since I was only 1-2 cm's last week. There was a lady beside me also being monitored and she was showing some signs of early labour - it made me a little jealous to know she would probably have her baby before me and she was only a few days overdue!

Anyway, it was really neat to go up to the maternity ward at the hospital. I haven't been there since Micah was born and it brought back a lot of memories - even the smell in the hallways reminded me of those first days with him in the hospital. It got me really excited to know that I'll be back there very soon having this new little bundle!


  1. Yay! I'm the first to comment. That's great that all is well with baby. So glad to hear. I hope you have a great day and a great rest of the week until baby decides to come on his/her own or if you are induced. We'll be praying....and thinking of you!

  2. Glad all is well, will be praying you can go in on your own love mom

  3. So glad that the test went so well. I think you are handling this so well Jamie! You are a great example. I can't wait till you get to hold this little baby.

  4. Hooray for a healthy non-stressed baby :) Jamie - you are doing great...your pregnancy days are numbered, and you will SOON have that baby in your loving arms.

  5. I'm very happy to hear that the test went well. Totally jealous of that labouring woman though. Grrrr... my mother-in-law called us in to her church prayer chain today. If that doesn't do it, I don't know what will! And I don't think I will try castor oil. Everyone I've heard who tried it says it works though - so it IS tempting. But I hate the idea of having the runs and be in labour - I have a long car ride to deal with in that case! Plus, I've heard it can cause the baby to expel meconium.

  6. I remember enjoying the NST as well. I think every baby sleeps during it :) But it's still fun to watch the heart beat and stuff. glad you're sounding very upbeat about this all. Soon, it WILL be over (the pregnancy, of course!)

  7. listen here Baby Toews....
    your loving family wants to see you! and your far away "Aunties" are waiting to see pictures of your beautiful face.
    So, here's the deal...i'm going to say this calmly and as nicely as i can...


    (that says, come out).

    we love all 4 of you, and are thinking of you & praying for you...and constantly checkin' the e-mail for e-mails!!!! :)
