Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Soon and Very Soon

Soon it will be Christmas!

I broke down this morning and decided to decorate for Christmas. I really wish we had the room for a big Christmas tree, but I've got a little 2 foot tree that will have to suffice. I still need to find an extension cord to be able to get the lights working on the tree, but here's a picture of some of my decor. I found these matching stockings at Home Sense the other day for the kids - (wow, it's going to be weird getting used to saying "the kids"!)
And, yes, that's Ellen on in the background - my favourite daytime show!

And VERY soon the baby will be here! I saw my "fill-in" OB today and she would like to induce tomorrow! YIKES! I've been waiting for this baby forever, but it's still a crazy thought that I could have a baby by this time tomorrow! It will all depend on how busy the hospital is in the morning, but chances are they'll get me in around 7:30 am. The doctor listed a few different ways to be induced and said she would recommend trying cervadil first (a hormone that they insert inside to get contractions started) rather than break my water which can cause more intense labor. Hopefully this will be enough to jump-start labor and I can avoid all the IV and monitors that come with using the oxytocin drug. She said I'm still not very dilated, but everything is soft and the baby's head is really low so that's good news.

Then the doctor gave me a very tempting offer. She has a sonogram machine in her office (unlike my regular doctor) and said she could tell me what the baby's sex was if I wanted to know. I considered it, but only for a moment. For one thing, Erik wasn't even with me and I don't know what he would've thought if I found out without him, but I also figured that since I made it this far I could wait one more day. Besides, I need a surprise to look forward to during my labor tomorrow. SO tempting, though :)

So, it's strange knowing this is likely my last night without a baby. Thanks so much for all your comments and prayers! We'll be keeping you as up-to-date as possible once we have some news!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS!! I LOVED reading this post :) What great news! I was so excited that I will have to go back and read it again because I kind of just skimmed over everything. Call me crazy. ANYWAY, love the stockings (you saying "the kids" made me excited to be able to say it soon too!) and I can't believe the doc even tempted you with finding out the sex!! Man, I don't know if I could have turned that down...but I totally understand why you did ;)

    One last time: All the best Jamie! I'll be praying for you...who knows, now that the babe heard tomorrow is THE day it will decide to come on it's own in the night. Love & Prayers, Amber

  2. I have to agree! I think my heart skipped a beat knowing that tomorrow could be the day! I am praying for you, Erik and Micah and little baby Toews! What a blessed family this baby is entering into!

  3. So exciting that the time has finally come!! Will be thinking about you and praying for you tomorrow morning! Looking forward to hearing about new baby Toews!!

  4. that is so exciting!! you deserve a medal for turning down the doctor's offer!! :-)

  5. DITTO! so hoping that tomorrow is the day! this little girl has shown enough attitude by making you wait so long, tomorrow HAS to be it! Very exciting!!!!!

  6. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Reading this post gave me shivers. I can't imagine being in your shoes. Have a great sleep, and good luck tomorrow! Yay! Last night without baby!!

  7. I hope tomorrow goes smoothly and easily. We'll be praying and waiting for news.

  8. i hope you go into labour tonight jamie! or on the other hand, that you have a successful induction tomorrow morning.

    God bless and keep you & baby safe :D


  9. I hope all goes well. My friend recently had the gel stuff and it worked great. So hopefully that is all it takes! I can't believe you turned down finding out the sex. I would be all over that!!
    looking forward to the news! my gut still says it is a boy (i have yet to be right with any baby prediciton!)

  10. oh and I hope you slept last night. I remember being so excited the day before Liam was born i could not sleep a wink
