Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Snowed In

We haven't ventured out of the house much this week. The temperature has dipped below normal and the snow has decided to stick around. Lucky for me, it means Erik has been able to stay home. So, the timing of Keziah's birth ended up working out perfectly! I haven't really had to be on my own yet for more than a few hours at a time.

Last night Alf & Kelly braved the weather to bring us supper which we shared together. Micah was VERY excited to see "baby Taeya". Taeya is only 6 months older than Keziah but so much bigger!

Here was the scene this morning at around 8 am...

Today Erik bundled Micah up to enjoy the snow. This was Micah's first real experience with it. We don't really have proper winter-wear for him since it's not generally needed out here in BC, but we piled on lots of layers and he seemed to stay warm and dry. Erik took him down the "slide" that Uncle Nathan made in the snow the other day. And then Micah helped Daddy shovel the sidewalk.

Keziah and I stayed warm and dry indoors while "the boys" played. Today she is one week old!

Keziah had her first photo shoot on our bed the other day. I was trying to get some good pictures to make her birth announcements and here are some of the shots that I didn't use:

Keziah saw the doctor on Monday and is almost 9 lbs already! She is also a little bit jaundiced. The doctor said if she stopped feeding well and didn't have alert times in the day, that she may have to go under the lights at the hospital nursery. I've been praying that this won't happen because of our trip and so far she seems to be doing fine. My mom told me to lay her in the sun and yesterday we had lots of sun and it seemed to help a little bit. The doctor gave us a letter stating that she is our daughter and seems to think that should satisfy airport security. I'm certainly hoping so!

Micah has been adjusting alright so far to having a baby sister around. He calls her "Zy-ah" and gives her occasional kisses - but has already hit her on the head a couple of times as well :( He doesn't seem to be too bothered with her one way or the other except if she's in the way when he's trying to sit on Mommy's lap. It'll be interesting to see how they interact once Keziah starts responding to people more.

Well, I should be off. I've got LOTS of packing to do for the big trip. I have a feeling we're going to need to bring a TON of stuff!


  1. jamie, she is so beautiful.

    i can't believe you're going on a trip. you're so brave! i'm sure both kids will do great.

  2. What a beautiful granddaughter we have, we are so blessed. How is Keziah feeling?? dad always says her ame wrong, so today he said,"I'm just gonna call her Cinnamon" Cab hardly wait to see you. We have lots of snow right now, and Ours is here to stay, I'm sure. We are heading to Wpg. tomorrow, so will keep in touch via mom

  3. Great to hear an update. How nice that Erik is home for a couple extra days. But, I KNOW you'll do fine once he has to head back to work. Have a great week and good luck packing and preparing for the trip!

  4. great pictures! glad micah got to enjoy his first snow! really enjoyed visiting yesterday! :)

  5. Wow, sounds like you are right back on your feet Jamie! I'm jealous. Seems I've overdone myself, and I've been pretty sore "down there" for the last two days. Hopefully things will start to heal soon. I haven't had a good photo shoot with James yet. Hope to do one soon, and get all the money shots of his feet and and hands. Love your pictures. Life looks blissful.

  6. I remember those days of mornings with the newborn (and father) sleeping and the toddler reading or watching cartoons. I hope we can still do that when number three arrives. But, we may have to get a king-size!

    Keziah is just beautiful. Congratulations! And I hope everything continues to go well, especially your trip.

    Both my kids were jaundiced, and I just had to feed them as much as I could (my kids tend to go to a 3.5 hour schedule right away) -- even waking them up to feed! And we did the laying in the sun thing too. As long as she poops a lot in the next little bit, I'm sure she'll be fine for the trip.

    (What a bizarre way for me to de-lurk, but I ran across your blog through Heather's a while back...)

  7. Olivia calls her "Zy-ah" as well. I love the pictures, especially the second one. The blankets really beautiful as well. Someone really special must have made it. Joel's coming to your parents with the girls Sunday night for supper to see you guys and have a visit. I have to work all day. He always gets to see the babies first!! I remember with Liam, it was like FOREVER until I got to see him. Anyway, love ya and have a good trip.

  8. the pictures are cute. I like the feet one.

  9. i love the pics of her - she is already so beautiful!!!

  10. WOW!!! Congratulations Erik, Jamie & Micah! What a BEAUTIFUL baby girl! And such a beautiful name too! Sorry I am so late on the congrats but we left for our holiday to Palm Springs on Keziah's birthday and only got back LATE Wednesday night (nov 29). Crazy to come home to snow-- definitely not what we expected...but pretty cool at the same time! Anyway...I'm so excited for you and hope that your flight to 'Toba goes really smoothly. Enjoy the time you get with your family....they'll just LOVE her! I'll be praying that all the "pieces" of your trip fall together and that Keziah stays nice and healthy :)
    She's just wonderful! And how fun is it going to be to dress a girl hey Jamie!? ;)
    Oh, and I'm sure Craig and Jen would want me to pass on their congrats and "hellos" as well!

  11. Hi Jamie! I've been "lurking" on your blog for a little while, I got the link through Heather's blog. I wanted to say congratulations on the birth of little Keziah, she is beautiful, and truly a little blessing! I love reading your blogs, and you sure seem to handle having two of them quite easily! Hopefully I'll be able to also!!!

  12. i just love her already!!
    i feel the same way about packing & i only have one kid! i'll pray for you this weekend, i know there will be people praying for me!
    love you!!

  13. Beautiful pictures! And those were the ones that you DIDN'T use???! I can't imagine how great the ones you DID use are!!

  14. Congrats you two! I've been without computer for awhile... your pics are great! Keziah is so beautiful, and I love the name! It was on our list when we were pregnant with Ryken.Anyway, we're so happy for the both of you.

  15. I just love this post. So sweet & creative. Glad that things are going well having 2! Enjoy your trip. I know that I never wanted to leave the house with a little one for the first while... you are brave.

  16. I love the pic of Micah kissing her. You do a great job of capturing such cute moments with your kids.
    I hope all works out for your trip out here this weekend. Atleast you'll have lots of family to look after the kids too. Micah will get to enjoy the snow out this way too.
