Friday, December 01, 2006

1 more sleep!

Tomorrow morning at 9:15 we will board the plane for Winnipeg! Hopefully all will go off without a hitch. I've been talking to Micah about the airplane and we've been reviewing the pictures of his EIGHT other cousins! Micah seems especially interested in Liam (but says it more like "G-iam"!) which is interesting since they are the closest in age being only 5 months apart. I think he is going to have a blast playing with all the other kids.

Keziah is doing well. Her jaundice seems to be better and she's not acting "sick" so that's an answer to prayer. She seems to be a very content baby so far and barely cries even when getting changed or bathed (as compared to our screaming first child!). She has developed the wonderful habit of only waking me once at night to feed since she does two 4-hour stretches! I don't really remember what Micah did at this age, but I'm pretty sure I was up with him more than once a night.

Yesterday we ventured out as a family (since Erik was still unable to work!) and went to Old Navy. I've been wanting to go ever since Keziah was born because they have such cute girls clothes that I've never really allowed myself to look at before. But, yesterday I bought her a full outfit to wear for all the upcoming Christmas occasions. Here she is all decked out:

And finally a picture of me and her together where I look half-decent! I admit I've been living in sweat pants for the past week...

I have felt so blessed this week when I look at my little family. It's amazing to have two children and it seems especially amazing to have a rambunctious little boy and sweet baby girl! It's like the best of both worlds!


  1. what a CUTE outfit! i can't wait to go to old navy soon too...i hate that we don't have one here.
    Praying for a safe trip for you as you head out - enjoy your time with family! so glad keziah's jaundice is getting better!
    ps. you're looking great!

  2. adorable outfit!! i saw it there and actually picked up that shirt to buy, but didn't thankgoodness. I haven't been there for a while, mainly because I get in trouble everytime I go. guess i should hide the shopping bags next time!

  3. You're looking really great, Jamie! That must be because Keziah is letting you get lots of rest! That's great! And, what a cute little outfit from Old Navy. You only bought ONE outfit!? Such willpower! Anyways, wishing you a fantastic holiday with your family in Manitoba. Praying for safe travels, and for a relaxing, encouraging and stress-free time there!

  4. I hope the trip is a success and you enjoy yourselves!

    Keziah's outfit is adorable!!

  5. Oh Jamie she is so cute and you look awesome too!! I have to admit that I am jealous. I desperately want a little girl!! Especially to be able to dress her up in those cute outfits, like the one you found!! I am very thankful and blessed to have two sweet boys who I know will be best buddies!! Anyway, I hope you guys have a great time in MB.
    I have one quick question for you. I was wondering how you get the multiple pictures in one like the post previous to this one, where it looks like polaroid pictures. Let me know when you have a second. Thanks.

  6. Very cute little outfit! Hope your flight goes well today!

  7. Thinking of you today!! Hope you made it safely to MB :) Your family will be so happy to see your family of 4!! Hope you have a great trip!

  8. i hope you have a good trip! i'll be thinking of you! we leave at 7 on Monday. i love that outfit, it's soooo super cute!!!!!!

  9. I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. And wow that's great to hear that you only have to get up once in the night. I sure hope I have it that good when my baby comes into the world. I was so sick that mom had to feed me an ounce every hour for the first period of my life.
    Hope the flight went well.

  10. You look beautiful Jamie. I live in sweats too - and my before-and-after maternity pants. It's a long way to go before I get back into regular clothes...
