Friday, November 03, 2006

To Go or Not to Go...

The other day I was invited to use a free ticket for the Women of Faith conference in Vancouver this weekend and I have always wanted to go to one, but I waivered back and forth since my due date is so near and I would be an hour away (more with bad traffic) from my hospital, my doctor, my husband... Hearing someone share at care group last night about their 2 hour labour with their 2nd child made me wonder whether I should expect the unexpected and just stay home, safe and sound. Anyway, I've been strongly urged to go, with the promise that those who are driving will take me straight home if anything happens. So, I'm planning to go. Yes, I would love for baby to come anytime, but maybe just pray that it doesn't happen tomorrow between 9 am & 5 pm :) Thanks.


  1. I'll maybe see you there! It is worth going - no point sitting home waiting for the baby when it could be days away yet (sorry I am sure you don't want to hear that)

  2. Jamie, I've been such a wimp to travel anywhere! I have heard amazing things about Women of Faith Conference however - so go, and ENJOY!

  3. i'm hoping to go some year. so let me know how it goes. and i'm sure your daughter will stay in until you're done there :) hehe

  4. Its supposed to be one amazing weekend! I had REALLY, REALLY wanted to go (I am a HUGE fan of Nichole Nordeman who will be performing) but everyone I was supposed to go with, copped out. So maybe another year ;( But I hope you have fun and I would love to hear what its like!
    Enjoy and I'll say a prayer that the wee little one stays put for a while longer!

  5. i'm glad you decided to go! i'm going to the same thing here in toontown tommorrow! it's gonna be pretty great i think!!
