Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Well, I just got back my doctor's appointment and he was able to strip my membranes. In my opinion, not really that bad. Uncomfortable, yes, but well worth it if it works!! So far, I feel more crampy and have had several Braxton Hicks so we'll see if it turns into anything. It's actually a nice day here so maybe I'll try to walk this baby out! Keep us in your prayers and hopefully we'll have a baby by the weekend!


  1. Crossing my fingers for you Jamie! A walk sounds like a good idea. I'm going to take one too.

  2. James- sounds like we had the same fun morning!! Funny. I guess the race is really on now! :) You deserve to have your baby first though, since technically you have been pregnant longer. I agree- it wasn't bad at all- unlike the horror stories I was told! GOOD LUCK!!! Hopefully we'll hear baby news next time you post something!!

  3. hey that's good!! i'm glad it went well! i check your blog all the time... waiting... waiting.... who will it be first...Jamie or Heather!?!??!?!??

  4. So what exactly does stripping the membranes mean? Did he break your water? Did your dr. say when he thinks the baby will come? I'll be thinking of you!

  5. Can't they call "stripping the membranes" something else? Ha ha, I guess any name would make me cringe and squeeze my knees together.

    Come baby come!

  6. oh i hope this works for you. i agree with amber - terrible name!

  7. thinking of you & loving you like crazy!! can't wait to meet the new Toews!!! :) HUGS!!

  8. Hey Jamie
    I'm waiting anxiously by my phone at work. Every time it rings I get all excited. Hopefully tonight is the big night!

  9. Very excited for you guys and hope everything just goes as smoothly as it possibly could.
    can't wait for the final result-the best part!

  10. hopefully this will do the trick and this baby will come soon!! maybe you should go for a run up some of those steep BC hills!

  11. You are all in my prayers!!

    I totally agree with Amber, that has been my reaction every time I've read it on here!!

    Hope the walk worked!!

  12. we're praying! if it's decent tomorrow, perhaps we should go walking (if you're not in labour already). If not, hopefully we'll see you FOUR in church on sunday!!! :)

  13. Come on baby - we all want to meet you!

  14. I keep telling all the nurses at the hospital that Noah is going to have a new cousin soon! We are all waiting anxiously for some news!! We continue to pray that all goes well! Take care. We love you guys!!

  15. Come Baby Come is true! I can't wait. I keep on refreshing your page even just in case my computer isn't updated your blog. I am praying for all four of you!

  16. Ah, Jamie! No post today (Thursday), makes me think you are having a BABY!!!

  17. Ok, there should be some kind of rule with expectant blogger mamma's so close to their due date. They really need to post once in the morning, afternoon and evening just so we know what's going on!! (ok, that would be a bit excessive, but at least once a day.......)

    keeping my fingers crossed that this 20 hour break between posts is THE REAL DEAL! :)

    Thinking of you!!!!
