Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another Day...

Sorry to disappoint you all but there is no news yet. I'm still pregnant and still at home! I was starting to get some anxious comments, so I apologize for keeping you in the dark all day :) I just didn't feel like posting this morning with NO news to report! I will try to keep you all up-to-date though as much as I can!

I was pretty discouraged that nothing happened after yesterday's appointment - though I'm told that going into labour anytime within a few days of getting one's membranes stripped means it has been successful, so there is still hope! Not that it would be the end of the world to go past my due date, it would just mean having a different doctor do the delivery. And after all the contractions and false alarms I've been having, the wait seems unbearable!

So, I'm trying to fill my days with lots of activities - shopping or baking Christmas cookies or whatever. This afternoon I went for a vigorous walk with my friend Kelly and baby Taeya. She's so cute!

Ever since the walk I've been having strong and regular (but painless) contractions. They feel very tight and uncomfortable but I wish they would really hurt!! Erik said he has a feeling that "tonight is the night" but he's said that so many times this week that I told him to stop - it doesn't help to get my hopes up!


  1. Micah looks so cute all bundled up!

    Well... I hope that whenever it's supposed to happen, it happens and that all goes well!! Hang in there!!!!

    Your in my prayers!

  2. oh yeah, Jaxon has those shoes too! They are so cute, but SO hard to get on!

  3. Hey James: Sorry to hear your still pregnant, for your sake. I think it's almost worse anticipation wise with the second one cause you know what's going to happen and you just want to get it over with already, and it's a lot of work looking after a toddler too. I hope things start to move for you over the next day or so. I'm thinking of you and I hope that you have a great delivery with whichever doctor you get. Hang in there!!!

  4. darn! we should have walked faster or longer :) Well, you said you thought it would happen during the night...and that is what we are heading into, so here's hoping (well, praying!). cute pic of the kids - i might have to snag it!

  5. Just realized....I don't want to be annoying by being an anxious commenter. I know how it is to wait (and be 8 days overdue!) and have people - although they mean well - be just as impatient as the pregnant one!!

    I'm just so excited for you...especially since Micah & Hailey are so close in age and I'm just excited that you will have your new baby join your family soon :) VERY soon.

    Take Care Jamie - you're doing great!!!

  6. Just realized....I don't want to be annoying by being an anxious commenter. I know how it is to wait (and be 8 days overdue!) and have people - although they mean well - be just as impatient as the pregnant one!!

    I'm just so excited for you...especially since Micah & Hailey are so close in age and I'm just excited that you will have your new baby join your family soon :) VERY soon.

    Take Care Jamie - you're doing great!!!

  7. I hope the baby comes soon - you can start posting "No Baby Yet" and nothing else - we'll get the hint :)

  8. Crazy you... wanting the contractions to hurt! But oh do I know what you mean! Although I am sure we'll be regretting that once they really do start to hurt!! Sounds like we are on the same path... no news here either! They will come when they are ready... (they don't care if their mommies have been more than ready for over a week already!!).
    No matter how tempting- stay away from that castor oil (Dan said if I would ever do it again he'd deny me the privledge of an epidural... he knows how to threaten me!!).

  9. Oh man! I hope tonight is your night too.

  10. i am anxious every time the phone rings!!! i think you will have this baby tomorow on remembrance day. I don't know why. November 11 just sounds like an easy birthday to remember!

  11. Jamie, it sounds like you and Kerri are in the Amazing Race. Try to relax, and enjoy these last few days. Once you have this "GIRL" you'll have 2 little monkeys to contend with. love mom

  12. Oh Jamie,
    I was hoping there'd be some news today. Good luck, however much longer you have to go! We're praying for a safe delivery whenever it happens. Love, Karen

  13. Hang in there! It is SO hard to wait!! It took three days of contractions after the doctor stripped my membranes with Noah for him to decide it was finally time. As hard as it is, try to enjoy these last pregnant days with that little one tucked safely inside!!
