Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wednesday Morning

We're sitting at home waiting to head into the hospital. When I called this morning, they told me to come in at 10 am. That seems like light-years away! But the nurse said they may call me in sooner, so I guess we're on stand-by. I asked if we would be going in today for sure and she said yes, so I guess today is my baby's birthday!
We didn't sleep that great last night - partly just the fact that my mind was spinning, but also because Micah chose last night to sleep AWFUL! He has been sleeping SO well in the last few weeks (finally!) and then last night we heard him fall out of his bed at about 10 pm (we put the bedframe and boxspring under his mattress a couple of weeks ago and so far he hasn't fallen out once). He was pretty worked up so Erik decided to sleep with him but I heard him crying out several times in the night. Erik said at one point he woke up and saw Micah sitting in the corner of the room reading a book with his pajamas off. Crazy kid.
So, Erik is trying to sleep now. It makes me feel good to know that at least one of us is catching up on sleep since I know there's no way I'd be able to sleep right now!


  1. Wow - baby's birthday! on taeya's 6-month birthday! :) praying the delivery goes well and micah quickly develops great sleeping skills! :)

  2. Jamie, I'm on pins and needles waiting to hear some new! You will be in my prayers all day today!!!!! Happy Birthday Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Yeah Jamie! Doug and I are on standby all day, waiting for the news! We can't wait to see you in the hospital today and meet our new little niece or nephew! Love you guys!

  4. Obviously Micah knows something is up, huh? I am surprised on the days when I am grumpy, Hailey is grumpy too. Or if I am anxious or stressed, she acts up too.

    Hope all goes well today! Thinking of you & praying for a safe (and speedy!) delivery.

  5. hopefully you are in the hospital now. looking forward to some news

  6. I prayed for you this morning Jamie. What an exciting time!! We'll continue to pray for you while we wait for news.

  7. That's so exciting.
    Maybe Micah is picking up on the fact that he won't be the baby anymore.
    All the best today Jamie.

  8. Happy Birthday Baby! So exciting to think by the end of the day they'll be a baby, huh? Praying for your family!

  9. Yippee the big day is here! Hoping everything is going easily ;-) Can't wait to hear the big news.

  10. thinking of you, thinking of you, thinking of you! i can't wait to hear the news...c'mon Erik! send something! :)
    love you guys...

  11. Hey James: I hope you have a baby by now. I'm really hoping that you don't have a difficult labour. They induced me with Riley but I was already having a few contractions and dialted a bit so they could put me right on the drip instead of the cervidal. So I don't know anything about that but I hope it all works out well for you. I'm anxious to knwo what you have!! Take care and I will check first thing tomorrow morning!!!

  12. Wow, from the pictures you look great...and overdue too! Wow, hang in there! Praying all will go well with the delivery. I can't wait to meet this new little person. Children are deffinitly God's greatest gifts.

  13. I have been waiting for someone to post something on this blog about the new baby, but gave up. Visit my site for some info!

  14. sooooo excited for you guys! congrats on your PINK bundle!! we hope all is well, can't wait to hear all about it...e-mail already! haha...
    love you x 4.

  15. yaya!!!!! so happy for you guys!!!!

  16. It's a girl???? WOW!! Can't wait for an e-mail or a post to confirm the news!

  17. Congrats! I can't wait for details - I have been checking this blog like crazy - even at work - trying not to get caught!
