Monday, December 04, 2006

Greetings from Boissevain

(Apologies in advance for not including pictures - my parents' computer won't let me upload anything to my blog...)

We arrived in Manitoba safe and sound on Saturday afternoon. All went well on our two flights to Winnipeg and Keziah was a big hit with all the flight attendants. Micah charmed them as well with his recitation of the alphabet - he gets stuck on "hijklmnop" and repeats it over and over again ;)

Once we arrived in the city we went with my parents to visit my nephew Noah in the hospital. We are hoping he will be discharged this Friday to be part of our family Christmas celebration. He is doing well these days and is up to about 10 and a half pounds!

We drove out to Boissevain later that night and Micah has had a chance to spend some time with his cousins here at Granny & Grandpa's house. The first night Micah didn't want to go the bed and kept walking to the door saying "see friends!" On Friday, all 10 cousins will be together at Brad & Nichole's house in LaSalle. It's going to be a CRAZY day!

We had some rough news here yesterday. My aunt (my mom's oldest sister) died suddenly yesterday morning after a brain hemorrage. She was only 67. I haven't seen her much in recent years, but we actually spent about an hour with them on Saturday night in the city before we drove to Boissevain. She was very excited to hold the new baby. It's strange to see someone in complete health one day and then hear of their death only a couple of days later. We are all encouraged to know that she made a personal decision to follow Jesus only a couple of years ago. But, you can keep the family in your prayers, especially her husband, kids and grandkids.


  1. I'm very sorry to hear about your aunt, Jamie. But, you're right...her decision to follow Jesus will allow everyone to see her again one day! Glad to hear that you are having a good time otherwise!

  2. that is so sad about your aunt. i will pray for her family. hope you are doing ok.

  3. Jamie! i'm so excited that you made it there safetly & that the kids were so good for you! enjoy this time with all of the family together!!!
    i'm so sorry to hear about your Aunt. i hope God brings peace & healing to your family.
    i'm also thinking of Noah - and i'll send up a few extra prayers for him before Friday!!
    love you.

  4. Hey James: Glad to hear you arrived safely and sorry to hear about your aunt. I hope you are all still able to have a wonderful Christmas together. I'm sure Micah will have a blast with all his cousins!! Big families ROCK!! Take care and have fun!!

  5. Sorry to hear about your aunt Jamie. Praying for peace for your family!
    Hope Micah enjoys his new "friends!" Glad the flight went well!

  6. glad the flight went well - also so sorry to hear about your aunt. Nice that you got to see her one last time though! Will be praying for the family.

  7. Sorry to hear about your aunt but praise the Lord that she knows Jesus.

  8. so sorry to hear about your Aunt Jamie, our condolences to your family.

  9. Hope you are enjoying MB! Too bad we can't hook up - but maybe it's for the best. I am very much a stay-at-home mom these days. Venturing out is very overwhelming.
