Sunday, December 31, 2006

Little smiles

Here is Keziah's movie debut! She is smiling more often now and I was able to capture a little grin on film yesterday. Enjoy!

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And as I was going through old picture CDs to put together the new slideshow on my sidebar I came across some great little video clips of Micah. Here he is at 3 months old. The video was labelled "I don't need a soother":

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  1. I am new to your blog. You have a beautiful Family!!! Happy New Year to you all!

  2. Happy New Year Jamie!!

    Keziah is such a beauty - I love how she is totally enthralled with her mamma's voice!

  3. Happy New Year! What a sweet post. Thanks for sharing the clips. Such cuties!

  4. It's crazy how much you miss when you aren't checking blogs all the time. Your kids sure are cute.

  5. I love the video of Micah - hilarious! I can't help but look at Micah's baby pics and see a resemblance between him and Elijah. Perhaps it's the bald heads, but I think it's even more than that! Keziah is growing so fast - I can't wait to see her again at Mom's group next week.

  6. Very cute! I laughed out loud at Micah's "non-soother" one :) That's hilarious!

  7. so super cute!!! i love the video of micah especially... what a sweetie...
