Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Here's a glimpse of what's been happening in our household so far in 2007...

Micah has a new baby to play with. His Great-Gma & Gpa T bought this little baby doll as a gift for Keziah (thank you!), but Micah has already claimed it for himself. I will have to hide it away if I want it to stay new for when Keziah's ready to play with it :o)

Keziah is 6 weeks old today. She doesn't feel or look like a newborn anymore. It's kind of sad, but also really fun to see her changing and growing.

An afternoon nap in the baby swing. This has got to be one of the best baby inventions ever. Well, I think it's a toss-up between the swing and the soother ;)

Keziah all bundled up in her car seat to go out to one more holiday party last night. I love this new toque that she got from my friend Erin. It's a little big yet, but I can't resist putting it on her.


  1. Well, if I had known Micah liked dolls so much I would have bought him one for his birthday. A "manly" doll of course. I remember Steve being freaked out if Aidan played with dolls. We tried to dress him up in girlie clothes when he was here once a long time ago, but he wouldn't go for it. Every man needs to be in touch with his feminine side. It will make him a better husband and father one day.
    I can't get over how much and fast Keziah is growing! Just adorable!
    By the way, has Micah tried to "nurse" the baby. Maddy did that ALL the time!0)

  2. aren't swings the BEST?! both kids continue to look healthy and cute!

  3. My goodness, she has grown. What a beauty. And Micah, hope you take care of your baby sister, like your taking care of her baby love granny

  4. Keziah is such a big girl already. Man time flies :)
    Cute pictures by the way! Let's just hope Micah continues to be as gentle with his little sister as he is with his dolly. ;) I love the one of him kissing the doll.

  5. Oh, and i'm glad to hear you're also a Grey's fan! I can't wait for season 3 either---i'm actually a bit obsessed with the show...just can't get enough of it :)

  6. You guys sure have CUTE kids!

  7. Awwww... her hat is so cute, and I love the smiles video. I was thinking of doing the same with James today - but the camera was too far away. I'll have to try tomorrow.

  8. Liam LOVED dolls right not too and has been taking one to bed.
    Keziah has grown like crazy, She looks so much different.

  9. Jamie,
    I've got some diapers that Elijah has outgrown - up to 15lbs. I will bring them to Mom's group next week and if you want them, there yours!

  10. I love the picture of Micah holding the doll! So cute!

    I agree about the swing! It was a lifesaver! He had the best naps in it!

  11. Where has 6 weeks gone, eh? Crazy how fast little babies grow and change.

  12. Micah and Keziah are so cute! Love Micah with the doll.

  13. I'm glad the hat's starting to fit already . . . and I've noticed the blanket in lots of photos too. Such a beauty. That's awesome you noticed the Choy's picture on our blog- pretty priceless.
    erin g.

  14. Id say soother! :-) but before soothers women just let their newborns use them as a soother :-|

    Caleb has a toy monkey doll that he pretends is his baby. He has even referred to it as Baby Taite!
