Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Big Girl

This morning I left Micah at home with Grandma and took Keziah for our 2-month post-birth check-up. I had timed it nicely so she would wake up and eat right before we left, but of course the doctor was really behind and by the time we got into the examining room, she was getting fussy and tired. We did her check-up quickly and then the doctor gave me a few minutes to settle her down before it was my turn. Thankfully she fell asleep in her car seat just as he came back in the room! Keziah now weighs 12 pounds and is about 23.5 inches long. As I suspected, she's at the 75th-90th percentile for her weight and length. I checked back this morning and Micah was 11 and a half pounds at two months. Otherwise the check-up was pretty standard. My only concern was her belly-button which still doesn't seem completely healed over, but the doctor told me it's not a big deal and as long as it doesn't get infected it should heal over eventually - he said it could even take up to 4 months before that happens!

We finally got some sunshine today and I am anxious to get out and enjoy it. Right now Micah is sleeping (he's been having wonderful 3-hour naps this week!) and then I hope to be able to get the kids organized to attempt another walk. You can see the sunlight streaming through the window in this picture of me and Keziah this afternoon.

Last night after supper Micah was entertaining us with his latest music and Erik and I figured we'd better start video-taping him more often. Here are his renditions of Baa Baa Black Sheep and the ABC's. My only disappointment is the terrible sound delay in these little video clips. Does anyone know of a different video program that works better?

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I think Micah may be coming around a little bit with the adjustment of having a new baby sister. He still needs lots of Mommy/Micah playtime and he's quick to suggest I put Keziah in her swing or crib anytime I'm holding her :o) But yesterday morning he played by himself for ONE WHOLE HOUR! That's amazing and I don't think he's done that in months. I remember that he used to be able to entertain himself a lot better before Keziah came along. Hopefully this will be a growing trend!


  1. Hi Jamie--that is a BEAUTIFUL picture of you and Keziah!! She has such a big smile on her face :)
    The video is great too (its almost like those foreign films where their lips don't match up with the voices)...haha :) And I think its funny that Micah encourages you to put Keziah down when you're holding her. Our nephew Konrad is obsessed with his Uncle Jon, so whenever Jon holds Ava, Konrad comes to me and tells me that I should hold Ava (hinting that HE would like his Uncle's attention). Kids are pretty ingenious :)

  2. Liam had issues with is bellybutton too. He eventually had to have it catorized off at about 10 weeks because it would not die off.
    Micah is a cutie in the video. NOt sure why you have such a delay in your sound, i don't think mine were like that. Maybe try downloading it again. Liam has his same hair cut!

  3. Micah is doing great with his ABCs! That is what we're working on now with Tyler. Oh, we sing that silly song like 20 times a day! He's doing well though-we catch him singing bits of it after we put him to bed. Great picture of you and Keziah too-who takes those pictures? Do you take self pics? Anyways, did you get out for that walk??

  4. love the pictures - wasn't the sun wonderful today? Cute video of micah. try I do all my videos there and really like it.

  5. Ahhh... love that sunshine, eh? Liv and Jake both have appts tomorrow (2 month, a few weeks late and a 2 year for Jake). I am running this house solo this week as Dan is in Denver and am EXHAUSTED! I'm finding that if it isn't one kid needing mommy, it is the other these days.... Congrats on the healthy and growing babe!!

  6. Karen - Erik never takes pictures so I have to do self-portraits if I want to be in any of them! Kind of sad, hey? And yes, I did get that walk in. It was so refreshing that I could've kept going!

  7. hehe Keziah is a lil chunk of baby :-) shes going to get so chunky and cute! Love it.
    How old is Micah? He is really good at his songs and abcs! Im impressed.

  8. Drea - Micah is about 25 and a half months :)

  9. James weighed in at 12lbs at his 2 month check-up too! People always say he is really big for 2 months also. They are really like twins - it would be SO fun to have them play together!

  10. I'm impressed w/ Micah too!!! Way to go MIcah!

    I use & it works great!!

    Keziah's pictures are so cute!!
