Thursday, January 25, 2007

The many faces of Keziah

But this one's my favourite...


  1. aaahh... to be the first to comment... what a sweetheart! Keziah is looking so mature in these pics - they really do grow up quick, eh? It sounds like you had a fun weekend when Eric was away. You don't seem to be slowing down too much even with two kids that's for sure!

  2. the last face in my fav too!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow, what a smile! It must be a fun stage now that she can interact a bit with you.
    You picked Trek teams! Are you going to help out next year too or is this just for the winter term?
    Thanks so much for what you said on my blog. I appreciate it.
    Hey next Jan we'll have to get out to Bethany for alumni. I sure wish I could have been there this year and I am sure you wished the same. :0)

  6. what a gorgeous smile! soooo cute!

  7. Those pictures are soo cute. My favorite is the bottom right and the last picture. I also want to say Keziah has a beautiful smile.

  8. she is so cute... i have to say that i think she has a few of her daddy's features, like his facial features.. can't quite pinpoint it. neat!

  9. Awwwww... she's so gorgeous Jamie! I love the smiley picture. As far as her belly button goes - James had something similar. When his cord finally came off (it took a long time), he had what they call a "tag" left. It looked like a little elephant trunk sticking out - and it would ooze a little bit. Gross! The Dr. told me to clean it at every diaper change with rubbing alcohol, and it should eventually heal. I also put a little Polysporin (the original kind, not the kids one) in there too - and it has since healed up just fine, and he has a normal belly button.

  10. She is truly precious! And I definitely think its official--Micah has the Harder looks and Keziah has the Toews looks. She looks so much like Erik in those pictures!
    I do love the last one best but the one on the bottom right is really fun...she looks like she's got a secret and is smirking about it :)

  11. hi jamie! you all look well and keziah's smiles are beautiful :D

    i'm just coming up for air after a very busy week with diedre having the flu monday/tuesday and ezekiel & i having it on tuesday. i'm surprised i survived it really...anyway, i will attempt to update my blog shortly.


  12. i just love her...LOVE her! good thing she will be Kamryn's sister-in-law someday! right Erik!? :)

  13. Hi Jamie, I tagged you. You were the only one I could think of. If you want to this go to my blog for the list of rules. P.S. hope you don't mind.

  14. Hi Jamie, I tagged you. You were the only one I could think of. If you want to this go to my blog for the list of rules. P.S. hope you don't mind.

  15. Hi Jamie, I hope you don't mind me commenting again. I just want to say thanks for taking my tag and responding.
    Well bye for now

  16. So adorable! I have to agree, definitely a Toews look there. Love the pics.

  17. We love you Keziah! You are perfect and so so so so beautiful.

  18. Is her hair reddish? it looks like its red. Shes so c ute. Love the jams she has on.
