Friday, January 05, 2007

Fun on the Changetable

I remember when Micah was a baby he LOVED being on the changetable. I'm not sure why. Maybe he liked having Mommy or Daddy right in his face, but more often than not he would just stare at the wall and smile. I thought it was just him, but Keziah loves being up there as well. I went a little nuts taking pictures of her this morning while she was being changed.

How big is Keziah?

Check out the view outside her window - we got another skiff of snow this morning!

Tummy time on the table.

Faces for the camera. Who do you think she looks like? I just can't figure it out...


  1. Definitely Toews from the nose up....her eyes for sure! What cute pictures!

  2. I too thought the eyes looked like Erik - Jamie I love the word choice of "skiff".

  3. I can see a definite resemblance to Micah in most of Keziah's pictures...especially the bottom right one in that last collage. She most definitely belongs to your family ;)

    † Amber

  4. Love the pictures Jamie! And the new title...very fitting.

  5. Love the new title/name - very cute. And I'll second Amber and say the bottom right looks like Micah.

  6. Keziah has such beautiful eyes!! She is a doll. Looks like she's got some adorable cheeks on her! If life didn't get about 110 times more chaotic after the 2nd one came I'd say lets meet half way one day for the morning or something... Maybe we'll come up some weekend soon. I know one day we'll have this two kid thing mastered. This summer we'll have to meet in B'ham or something. Lake Padden is a lot of fun to go to in the summer....

  7. Love the new title. I recently changed mine too :) Your blog is always soprofessional looking. Good job with it. The change table pictures are sooo cute! I didn't take as many pictures of Jacob when he was younger as I would have liked. Too bad I wasn't into blogging when I first had him I might have been inspired to take more :)

  8. very cute blog name :)

    diedre thinks keziah looks like ezekiel...but we're not related at all ;D

  9. She looks like Keziah ;-)
    I know im being smart.
    I WISH WE'd get snow!
