Monday, January 29, 2007

The Weekend

Erik and I kicked off the weekend with a trip to IKEA on Friday night. We have been wanting to get a dresser for our bedroom for awhile and we finally took the plunge and used some of our Christmas money. We were thankful that Micah and Keziah both behaved really well during the shopping trip. It helped that we spent awhile in the kid's area so Micah could run around and play. He got really excited when he saw a whole pile of "naughty stools" :)
It was a bit of an ordeal getting the two giant boxes home in our car and then constructing the dresser the next morning, but we are both really happy with it!

On Saturday afternoon Erik & Micah went on a boy's date with Erik's dad and brothers to a Motorbike show. Erik got some great pictures of Micah enjoying some of the big boy toys!

Yesterday afternoon we took advantage of the sunshine and went to Mill Lake for a walk and some playtime in the park for Micah. I think the whole city of Abbotsford had the same idea because the place was PACKED!
We ran into E and her two boys K & S who I used to babysit before Keziah was born. Micah recognized them right away and had a blast running around with some other boys.

Keziah slept peacefully in the stroller for the entire outing...

Now we look ahead to a busy week with Erik's hockey games, care group and our current involvements with TREK leadership eating up the evenings. I'm thankful to have the days at home but I know Erik feels extra busy when he's working full days and then has plans every evening. We're both thankful for nice weather these days though and we're supposed to have sunshine all week!

And one last thing I wanted to blog about: I was inspired by Drea's blog to post some comparison pictures of both of my kids as babies to see how much they look alike. Here they are dressed in the same overalls and lying in the crib (Micah on the left and Keziah on the right):

And I couldn't resist trying to recreate the crying picture I had of Micah on the same day (I'm such a mean Mommy!):


  1. Wow! such similarities! I doubt Jake and Olivia look anything alike.... you have got me curious now....

  2. i can see some similarities..but the hairline is so different which makes for a different look.

    how i wish i could just go to IKWA to do some shopping in an evening. my closest one is 6 hours away.

  3. your kids are so cute! I will want to do some comparison pics as well once the new one is here (only 3 months to go!!). I love the rug that you have in the pics with the kid laying on!
    And same as Patti, I wish I could go to Ikea some nite, but the closest one for me is Edmonton-5's nice to make a weekend out of it though when we do go!

  4. WOW!! I can't believe how much they look alike in those pictures! I still think Keziah has more Toews in her and Micah more Harder...but you can at least tell they're siblings. I on the other hand, do NOT have that :) We all look SO different! Especially Craig seeing as he's "thinning" on top ;)haha
    Sounds like a really great weekend..we're loving the sunshine too!

  5. What great comparison shots! They do look like siblings, that's for sure!! Sounds like you guys had a great weekend and are keeping busy despite having two little kids. That's good to see, since we'll be there pretty soon too!

  6. cute crying picture! :)
    Alf and I tried to get to the lake on Sunday...too bad - it would have been fun for all of us to hang out. ah well. how does thursday work to meet for an afternoon walk?

  7. your dresser looks really nice. I could use a good IKEA shop. The comparason pics are cute. They really do look alike

  8. i didn't think they looked so much alike!! but now i see it! super cute!!
    and Ikea - there are no words to describe my jealousy...none.

  9. i like the pic of micah on the yellow bike, he looks really cool..

  10. That's really fun to have the pics of both kids. She's getting so long already! :0

  11. Wow, they really have a lot of similarities, hey! Keziah obviously has more "female" features, but you can definitely tell that they are both your children....THey are both Beautiful too!!!
